Chegando com o melhor idéias de postagem no blog que trará o certo tipo de leitores para o seu blog é um desafio que muitos blogueiros, profissionais de marketing e proprietários de sites enfrentam. Mas aterrar nas idéias corretas de post no blog não precisa ser tão difícil.

Se você está procurando inspiração sobre como criar seu as melhores ideias para postagens no blog que realmente atrairão mais de seus leitores-alvo (ou clientes), então você está no lugar certo.

Os blogs continuam sendo uma das maneiras mais poderosas de se conectar com o seu público e levá-los à ação hoje - tornando extremamente importantes as idéias que você escolhe seguir (e gastar seu tempo e recursos financeiros limitados).

Pesquisas mostram que as empresas que optam por aprender como iniciar um blog e ativamente produzir conteúdo de qualidade obtém 67% mais leads do que aqueles que não publicam conteúdo e agem de acordo com as idéias de postagem do blog de sua equipe.

Além disso, as taxas de fechamento do marketing de entrada são 8 a 10 vezes maiores, em média, em comparação com os esforços de vendas externas - tornando as idéias corretas para postar no blog um investimento que compensa muito.

Mas está ficando cada vez mais difícil se destacar da multidão. Há uma estimativa 500 milhões de blogs hoje na web. Na última contagem, 17 novas postagens de blog são publicadas todo segundo.

Com tanta competição por olhos, como você se destaca e direciona o tráfego para o seu blog?

A resposta é: buscar soluções únicas e interessantes idéias de postagem no blog que agregam valor real aos seus leitores. Produzir consistentemente um ótimo conteúdo não é tarefa fácil, mesmo para os blogueiros mais experientes que já têm um calendário editorial com os tópicos nos quais você pesquisou as palavras-chave.

Portanto, para ajudar você a encontrar as melhores ideias de postagem de blog para o seu público, reuni esta coleção de 101 idéias de blog testadas e comprovadas que ajudarão você a direcionar tráfego significativo para o seu site.

Mas primeiro ... quem sou eu para dizer quais idéias de postagem de blog serão as "melhores" ou as piores para o seu blog?

Bem, eu tenho um blog aqui por quase 6 anos aprendendo a crescer um blog e aprendi uma coisa ou duas sobre como criar idéias de conteúdo que já têm demanda on-line comprovada. E só no ano passado, eu dirigi bem 4.4 Milhões de leitores no meu blog com as idéias de postagem do blog sobre as quais escrevi.

Ideias para publicação em blog que direcionam tráfego (Screenshot do Google Analytics da ryrob Blog)

Também fui contratado como consultor para gerar ideias de postagens de blog com alta conversão e escrever conteúdo para empresas da Fortune 500 como LinkedIn, Google e Zendesk, além de algumas das principais startups do mundo, como Fundera, Gusto, Close e dezenas de outras.

Então, quando se trata de blogs, é seguro dizer que sei o que estou fazendo "

Agora, primeiro, se você é totalmente novo em blogs hoje, reuni o melhor guia para começar a criar seu blog. Realizar a otimização e a otimização do seu blog é o primeiro passo para aprender como escrever conteúdo atraente, e meu guia de 25.000 palavras para iniciar um blog o posicionará melhor para trazer milhares de leitores ao seu blog em um futuro próximo.

Se você ainda não criou seu blog, vá para o meu melhor guia para começar um blog.

Ainda precisa iniciar seu blog primeiro?

Confira meu guia definitivo sobre Como iniciar um blog hoje (ao lado).

Tudo bem agora, sem mais demoras, vamos mergulhar nas minhas escolhas para o melhor idéias de postagem no blog que trará leitores para o seu blog este ano.

E para ajudar a tornar mais fácil a navegação dessa lista de idéias de postagens no blog, eu as dividi por categorias no menu com hiperlink abaixo - para que você possa clicar na seção de idéias de postagens no blog de seu interesse e pular direto para ler Mais.

201 melhores ideias de publicação no blog que (na verdade) direcionarão tráfego em 2020

    1. Idéias para publicação no blog que inspiram seus leitores a agir
    2. Idéias para publicação no blog que irão entreter seus leitores
    3. Ideias de publicação em blog que (com bom gosto) promovem seus negócios
    4. Ideias de publicação em blogs que ensinarão e instruirão seu público
    5. Ideias de publicação em blog que atualizam, notificam e informam os leitores
    6. Idéias de postagem no blog que são controversas e agitam as coisas
    7. Bônus: 7 maneiras comprovadas de ampliar suas idéias de postagem no blog e direcionar tráfego

Agora, vamos mergulhar em nossa primeira seção - idéias de postagem de blog que são projetadas para levar seus leitores a agir ⚡️

Idéias para publicação no blog que inspiram seus leitores a agir

Idéias para publicação no blog que geram tráfego Como escrever as melhores idéias para blog no ryrob

A verdadeira característica do conteúdo de sucesso não é apenas ter uma boa classificação nos resultados de pesquisa orgânica ou obter milhares de leitores. É se os seus leitores realmente tome uma atitude e crie alterações mensuráveis ​​após consumir seu conteúdo. Aqui estão algumas idéias de postagem no blog que as ajudarão a fazer exatamente isso.

1. Qual é a sua agenda? Dê uma olhada nas pessoas em seu dia normal

Idéias para publicação no blog Compartilhe sua programação

Sua rotina diária pode não lhe parecer interessante, mas tente puxar a cortina e compartilhar como você passa um dia normal. Expor um pouco da sua vida pessoal é uma autêntica idéia de postagem no blog que fará com que seus leitores se sintam mais próximos de você, colete informações úteis sobre como eles poderiam melhorar suas próprias rotinas e também os investirá mais em sua missão como um todo. .

2. Como você começou sua carreira? Como você começou e expandiu seus negócios?

Idéias para publicação no blog

Os seres humanos contam histórias há milhares de anos. Os cientistas descobriram apenas recentemente por que a narrativa é tão poderosa. Acontece que bem trabalhada histórias fazem com que nosso cérebro libere ocitocina, um poderoso neuroquímico que nos ajuda a nos sentir mais conectados aos outros. Tome esta idéia de publicação no blog e conte a história de como você começou, a jornada para aumentar o tráfego do seu blog, o que foi necessário para tirar seus negócios do chão e a difícil jornada para arrecadando dinheiro para sua empresa. Você criará uma conexão poderosa com seu público-alvo que poderá render nos próximos anos.

3. Explique o significado dos seus valores pessoais ou da empresa

Idéias para publicação no blog Valores pessoais

Toda grande marca é construída sobre valores fortes que orientam tudo o que a empresa faz. Compartilhe os valores que formam a base da sua marca e você pode criar fãs leais por toda a vida. Mesmo se você é um solopreneur, saber o que orienta suas ações e tomadas de decisão inspirará seus leitores a ficar atrás de você, não importa o que você persiga - além disso, provavelmente alimentará muitas outras novas idéias de post de blog que surgirão em conversas adicionais com seus leitores.

4. Qual é a sua declaração de missão?

Declaração de Missão das Ideias para Postagem no Blog

Em termos mais simples, uma declaração de missão define os objetivos e o objetivo de uma empresa, organização ou indivíduo. Se você não criou uma declaração de missão sobre por que escolheu certas maneiras de ganhar dinheiro com blogs e servir seus leitores, uma postagem no blog é a maneira perfeita de começar. Isso faz da minha lista as melhores idéias para postar em blogs, porque desvendar sua missão para o mundo e explicar o que o futuro reserva para você ou sua marca pode ser a maneira perfeita de estabelecer conexões mais significativas com seus leitores.

5. Compartilhe suas metas para o ano e estabeleça seus planos para alcançá-las

Idéias para postagem no blog Compartilhar metas

A maioria das pessoas entende o quanto é importante definir metas, mas apenas uma pequena porcentagem de nós estabelece as bases adequadas para alcançá-las. Faça com que seus objetivos sejam conhecidos por seus leitores, aproveitando este formato de idéia de postagem no blog e compartilhe como você planeja enfrentá-los este ano. Você beneficiará o seu público e a si mesmo. Seus leitores obterão inspiração e um plano para o sucesso, enquanto você se beneficiará do feedback e da responsabilidade que eles podem fornecer. Além disso, isso provavelmente levará a muito mais novas idéias de postagem de blog depois de receber seus comentários.

6. Revise as metas que você definiu no ano passado e relate seu progresso

Metas de revisão de idéias de postagem no blog

Especialistas em produtividade como Tim Ferriss e James Clear recomendamos que a realização de revisões anuais seja tão importante, se não mais, do que chegar às resoluções de Ano Novo. Uma auditoria pessoal anual pode garantir que você continue progredindo em direção a seus objetivos e demonstre que se responsabiliza pelo seu próprio sucesso. Analise as metas do ano passado e destaque quais você alcançou e quais ainda estão em andamento. Essa é uma das minhas principais idéias de publicação no blog, porque seu público pode até ajudá-lo em alguns de seus empreendimentos mais ambiciosos depois de aprender sobre eles.

7. Descreva onde você se vê ou sua empresa em 25 anos

Idéias para publicação no blog Compartilhe sua visão

Ninguém realmente sabe o que o futuro reserva e é isso que torna as previsões tão interessantes de ler. Comece escrevendo um esboço de postagem no blog para esboçar seus planos e compartilhe sua visão de onde você se vê ou sua empresa nas próximas décadas com essa ideia de postagem no blog. Revise-o a cada poucos anos para ver como você está se saindo.

8. Qual foi o melhor conselho que você já recebeu? Como isso te ajudou?

Idéias para publicação no blog

Todo mundo quer colocar a mão na versão de seu setor dos melhores conselhos para blogs (para blogueiros) ou melhores conselhos sobre negócios (para aspirantes a empreendedores) e aprender as chaves para o sucesso em seus campos. Se você recebeu alguns conselhos para mudar a vida, por que não pagar adiante e distribuir um pouco de sabedoria aos seus leitores? Idéias para publicações em blogs como essas ajudam a desmembrar alguns conselhos que afetaram sua carreira ao longo dos anos e explicar como eles ajudaram você a pensar e agir de maneira diferente.

9. Quais foram as coisas mais benéficas que você aprendeu no ano passado?

Ideias para publicação no blog Coisas aprendidas no ano passado

Você teve alguma novidade no ano passado que pode compartilhar com seu público? E as falhas? Com uma mentalidade de crescimento, tudo e qualquer coisa podem ser uma oportunidade de aprendizado. Bom ou ruim, você e seus leitores poderão se beneficiar da sua experiência por meio de ideias de postagens mutuamente benéficas como esta.

10. Faça uma lista das melhores e mais esclarecedoras citações sobre o seu nicho

Blog Post Ideas Melhores Cotações

Percorra praticamente qualquer feed de mídia social e verá que as pessoas estão obcecadas com aspas. Um pedaço de sabedoria inteligentemente redigido por uma figura bem conhecida pode inspirar e motivar-nos nos níveis mais profundos. Essa é uma das minhas idéias de post de blog de maior sucesso que já executei em vários formatos, compilando uma lista das melhores citações em meu nicho para obter uma peça sempre viva de conteúdo inspirador. Escolha um nicho para o blog e você pode fazer o mesmo no seu espaço também.

11. Sente-se com um influenciador da indústria

Influenciador da indústria de idéias de publicação de blog

Uma entrevista bem escrita pode ter o poder de fazer o leitor sentir que está tendo uma conversa íntima com o assunto. Entre em contato com os influenciadores em seu nicho e convide-os a compartilhar seus pensamentos e experiências com seu público-alvo, no formato de uma dessas idéias de postagem no blog ou como uma entrevista em podcast. Além de ter um ótimo conteúdo em suas mãos, você terá uma nova adição à sua rede profissional.

12. Dê às pessoas o roteiro para o sucesso em seu setor

Roteiro para idéias de postagem no blog

Uma das partes mais difíceis de ter sucesso em qualquer carreira é saber exatamente onde e como começar. Se você tem alguma experiência em seu currículo, pode traduzir suas lições em um desses tipos de idéias para postagens no blog que fornecem as orientações necessárias para as pessoas que desejam entrar no seu nicho. Tomemos, por exemplo, meus guias passo a passo fundamentais sobre tópicos como como começar a trabalhar como freelancer, como iniciar um negócio e como iniciar um blog que foi lido (e influenciado) por milhões de pessoas. Essa é, sem dúvida, uma das minhas idéias favoritas de postagem no blog, por causa da transformação que seu impacto pode ter na vida dos leitores.

13. Compartilhe algumas dicas para se relacionar com sua equipe

Ideias para publicação de blog Atividades de desenvolvimento de equipes ryrob

Serei honesto com você, a maioria das atividades de formação de equipes que vejo por aí são bastante bregas - mas elas não precisam ser. Criar uma lista de atividades divertidas para adultos realizarem em um ambiente profissional é muito mais difícil do que parece. Coloque seu pensamento e crie uma lista de atividades que você pode compartilhar como uma de suas idéias de publicação no blog, que vêm de fora da caixa e seus leitores agradecerão por isso.

14. Quais são as semelhanças e diferenças entre sua indústria e outra?

Idéias para publicação no blog Diferentes indústrias

Steve Jobs disse uma vez que “Criatividade está apenas conectando coisas”. Pode ser extremamente fascinante comparar dois setores completamente diferentes como uma das idéias de seu blog. Embora as diferenças sejam geralmente bastante óbvias, você pode realmente mostrar seu lado criativo criando conexões entre elas.

15. Quais desenvolvimentos tecnológicos moldarão sua indústria na próxima década?

Idéias para publicação no blog Desenvolvimentos tecnológicos

A tecnologia se move incrivelmente rápido e muitas vezes é difícil entender exatamente como isso afetará a maneira como trabalhamos. Então, pense sobre quais tendências estão moldando seu setor. Quais avanços tecnológicos estão revolucionando seu nicho? Blockchain? Experiências AR? Conteúdo VR? Reúna seus pensamentos como uma de suas próximas idéias de publicação no blog e faça algumas previsões.

16. Compartilhe as causas que você apóia e explique por que elas significam tanto para você

Idéias para publicação no blog causam suporte

A geração Y coloca seus dólares por trás das marcas que apóiam as causas com as quais eles se preocupam. Sem falta de opções, os consumidores estão cada vez mais buscando marcas que se alinham aos seus valores pessoais. Ao compartilhar o que faz com que você apóie e explique o significado que eles têm para você pessoalmente como uma de suas próximas idéias de publicação no blog, você atrairá pessoas com uma mentalidade semelhante e expandirá sua tribo.

17. Monte uma lista de sabedoria testada pelo tempo sobre seu nicho

Blog Post Ideas Sabedoria

Algumas das melhores idéias sobre o seu setor podem não ter surgido a partir deste ano, desta década ou mesmo deste século. De fato, alguns dos pensadores de ponta de hoje encontram sua melhor inspiração em velhos provérbios e ditados. Se você puder encontrar novas maneiras de aplicar a sabedoria antiga por meio das idéias de postagem do seu blog, poderá criar um conteúdo vencedor.

18. Revele histórias de fundo surpreendentes e inspiradoras de influenciadores em seu espaço

Ideias de publicação no blog

É uma boa história, mas os contos de sucesso da noite para o dia são em grande parte mitos. Algumas das figuras mais influentes do nosso tempo têm surpreendentes histórias de fundo cheio de falhas, decepções e depressão. Escolher alguns exemplos exclusivos de seu setor e destacar a jornada deles pode ajudar a motivar seus leitores a continuarem quando os tempos ficam difíceis, sem mencionar que se tornarão uma das suas idéias mais fortes para postar no blog e se apoiarem repetidamente.

Idéias para publicação no blog que irão entreter seus leitores

Melhores idéias de publicação no blog para entreter os leitores no ryrob

Tudo bem, agora vamos cavar em uma categoria diferente de idéias de postagem no blog- aqueles projetados principalmente para entreter seus leitores.

19. Compare um personagem ou filme famoso com sua marca

Personagem de filme de idéias de postagem no blog

Se há algo que une pessoas de todas as esferas da vida, são filmes e televisão. Comparando-se com personagens famosos de tela prateada, você tem a chance de flexione sua criatividade músculos, mostrar um pouco de humor e conectar-se com as pessoas em um nível mais íntimo através de idéias de postagem no blog como esta.

20. Crie uma lista de reprodução do escritório e explique por que você escolheu cada música

Lista de reprodução de idéias de publicação de blog

De acordo com as pesquisas mais recentes, a música no trabalho pode ser um sério aumento de produtividade. Por exemplo, revisores concluem suas tarefas 20% mais rápido quando eles ouvem música de dança. Por que não montar uma lista de suas músicas favoritas para trabalhar e compartilhá-las com seus leitores como uma das idéias de seu blog? Confira o post dando uma pequena história de fundo sobre cada faixa, como elas foram gravadas e o que suas letras significam. Você pode até criar várias listas de reprodução para diferentes modos ou atividades!

21. lustre da história? Escolha algumas pessoas do passado com quem você gostaria de trabalhar

Ideias para publicação em blogs Pessoas do passado

Lembrar A excelente aventura de Bill e Ted? No filme, dois amigos do ensino médio voltam no tempo e trazem de volta homens e mulheres famosos da história para ajudá-los a aceitar seu relatório final do ensino médio. Com quais figuras da história você gostaria de trabalhar e por quê? Caneta sua própria aventura excelente e não tenha medo de deixar sua imaginação correr solta com esta idéia de postagem no blog.

22. Qual personagem fictício seria perfeito no seu trabalho?

Idéias de postagem no blog Personagem fictício

Na mesma linha, você pode escolher um personagem fictício da TV ou do filme e explicar por que acha que eles são perfeitamente adequados para o seu papel. Monica de 'Friends' seria a gerente de projetos perfeita? O Iron Man é o engenheiro de software ideal? Esses tipos de idéias de postagem no blog são divertidos de ler e ainda mais divertidos de escrever!

23. Dê uma olhada nas pessoas em seu escritório ou área de trabalho

Idéias para publicação no blog Compartilhe seu espaço de trabalho ryrob

As pessoas adoram ver os espaços de trabalho de pessoas inspiradoras - aqui também está um instantâneo do meu espaço de trabalho. Há uma razão pela qual o laboratório de Edison e a casa de Shakespeare são as principais atrações turísticas. Embora você (como eu) ainda não esteja nesse nível, seus leitores, sem dúvida, apreciarão idéias de post no blog como este, que lhes darão uma espiada sobre onde a mágica acontece, por mais modesta que seja. Quem sabe, talvez você possa cobrar admissão em um futuro próximo.

24. O que há na sua bolsa? Mostre às pessoas de quais itens você depende todos os dias

Ideias para publicação no blog

EDC, ou carregar todos os dias, explodiu nos últimos anos. As pessoas adoram ver quais itens e ferramentas os seus heróis não podem viver sem, tornando essa uma das idéias mais fáceis de postar no blog para executar rapidamente. Simplesmente elabore todas as coisas que você traz com você aonde quer que vá e explique por que cada uma é importante para você.

25. Quais hobbies ou esportes poderiam ajudar alguém do seu nicho a ter mais sucesso?

Idéias para publicação no blog Hobbies ou esportes

Certos hobbies e esportes aparecem repetidamente quando examinamos os líderes em diferentes campos porque eles ajudar a construir habilidades essenciais. Por exemplo, corrida de longa distância é o passatempo favorito de empreendedores de sucesso. Muitos dos principais líderes de vendas do mundo têm formação em teatro. Quais hobbies ou esportes ajudam a desenvolver habilidades em seu nicho? Faça uma lista como uma de suas próximas idéias de publicação no blog e explique como elas melhoram seu trabalho.

26. Faça uma lista de filmes que todos no seu setor deveriam assistir e por que

Blog Post Ideas Movies Todo mundo deveria ver

Mais de 15 anos após seu lançamento teatral, Steven Spielberg O "Relatório Minoritário" continua a exercer influência no mundo do design de produtos e UI. Existem filmes que tiveram um impacto semelhante no seu setor? Compile uma lista dos filmes mais influentes em seu nicho como uma das idéias de seu blog e explique por que cada um deles é obrigatório.

27. Compartilhe seus emojis favoritos e explique como você gosta de usá-los

Emoticons Favoritos de Postagens de Blog

Ame ou odeie, os emojis estão chegando ao jargão dos negócios cada vez mais. Eles podem ajudar a dar o contexto emocional muito necessário às mensagens digitais, onde a linguagem corporal não pode ser transmitida. Mas eles também podem causar mais confusão do que clareza, se você não tomar cuidado. Essas imagens fofas podem significar coisas drasticamente diferentes entre culturas. Como um experimento, compartilhe alguns de seus emojis favoritos como uma de suas idéias de postagem no blog e faça uma pesquisa com seu público para ver se eles os interpretam da mesma maneira que você. Os resultados podem te surpreender.

28. Crie um novo super-herói para o seu nicho e explique quais seriam seus superpoderes

Super-herói de nicho de idéias de publicação de blog

Quais superpotências são necessárias para ter sucesso em seu papel? Quem são os vilões do seu setor? Responda a essas perguntas (e mais) por meio de várias idéias divertidas de postagem no blog, criando seu próprio super-herói do setor. Dê a eles um nome cativante, revele seus pontos fortes e fracos e leve-os a aventuras extraordinárias que os levam ao limite.

29. Desenhe sua própria história em quadrinhos e zombe dos clichês da indústria.

Blog Post Ideas Comic Strip

Há uma razão:Dilbert'Continua sendo um dos quadrinhos mais populares do mundo trinta anos desde que estreou. É a sátira perfeita do mundo dos escritórios de colarinho branco em que milhões se vêem presos. As situações em que o personagem-título se encontra, embora exageradamente cômico, parecem incrivelmente autênticas. Crie uma paródia semelhante ao seu setor ou cartum, como Cada vogal para compartilhar através de uma série contínua de idéias de postagens de blog que quebram a vida dele e seus leitores imploram por mais.

30. Escreva um questionário de personalidade para seus leitores e destaque como diferentes características podem ser úteis em seu nicho

Blog Post Ideas Personality Quiz

Passe 30 segundos percorrendo o Facebook e você perceberá o quão popular é o teste de personalidade. As pessoas adoram aprender algo interessante sobre si mesmas de uma maneira divertida e interativa - e é por isso que elas se tornaram idéias fundamentais para postagens de blog em uso por milhares de publicações. Desenvolva um questionário de personalidade que se aplique ao seu setor e ajude as pessoas a descobrirem como elas podem desempenhar seus pontos fortes.

31. Você já ouviu falar sobre o blogueiro de marketing? Faça uma lista de piadas sobre seu setor

Blog Post Ideas Jokes

Nem todo post precisa ser uma leitura séria. De fato, alguns dos seus blogs mais populares podem ser os mais alegres e divertidos. Passe um dia ou dois pesquisando algumas das melhores piadas e um resumo sobre o seu nicho e compilá-las em uma lista como uma das suas próximas idéias de publicação no blog. Algumas risadas podem ajudar seus leitores a superar as semanas mais difíceis.

32. Compile uma lista dos principais tweets do ano passado por especialistas do setor

Blog Post Ideas Top Tweets

Todos os dias, as pessoas compartilham pepitas de sabedoria no Twitter em 280 caracteres ou menos. Mas com um feed ativo, pode ser fácil perder algumas dessas jóias. Marque seus tweets favoritos ao longo de um ano, coloque-os em uma grande lista quando o ano terminar como uma de suas idéias de postagem no blog e solte uma bomba de conhecimento compartilhável e exclusiva no seu público.

33. Monte uma lista dos dez melhores das pessoas mais influentes em seu espaço

Blog Post Ideas Pessoas influentes

Hoje em dia, todo mundo está divulgando uma tonelada de conteúdo, o que dificulta saber quem são as melhores pessoas a seguir para obter dicas e insights de especialistas. Ajude seus leitores, reunindo uma lista dos dez mais influentes do seu espaço, como uma série de idéias de postagem de blog nas quais eles deveriam estar prestando atenção.

34. Compartilhe suas idéias sobre as tendências culturais, geográficas ou de idioma que moldam seu setor

Tendências da indústria de idéias de publicação de blog

A observação aguçada é uma enorme vantagem competitiva. Você já percebeu novas tendências que estão moldando o seu setor e que outras pessoas perderam? Nesse caso, compartilhar suas idéias com os leitores por meio de uma série de ideias inteligentes para postagens no blog pode ajudar a estabelecer você como um líder de pensamento e pioneiro em seu campo.

35. Travessuras ou gostosuras! Identifique algumas fantasias engraçadas ou criativas de Halloween relacionadas ao seu nicho

Blog Post Ideas Trajes de Halloween

Você pode ser velho demais para fazer doces ou travessuras, mas nunca é velho demais para mostrar um pouco de espírito de Halloween. Você consegue pensar em uma fantasia engraçada ou única relacionada ao seu setor que possa ajudar alguém a ganhar elogios pelo escritório? Coloque suas sugestões nesses tipos de ideias sazonais para postagens no blog e não esqueça de adicionar fotos.

36. Ajude seus leitores a encontrar os melhores presentes para a troca de presentes no escritório

Idéias para presentes no blog

White Elephant é uma troca de presentes popular na maioria dos escritórios em todo o país. No jogo, os colegas de trabalho 'roubam' presentes misteriosos um do outro. Um presente inteligente ou único pode receber elogios sérios pelo escritório. Dê a seus leitores uma lista de idéias criativas para presentes que garantirão alguns cumprimentos sérios. Pontos de bônus se suas idéias não quebrarem o orçamento!

37. Compartilhe sugestões de como expressar atenção e gratidão no trabalho

Idéias para publicação no blog Mindfulness and Gratitude

A prática da atenção plena foi cientificamente comprovada reduzir o estresse, aumentar a criatividade e melhorar a produtividade no local de trabalho. Dê a seus leitores algumas sugestões testadas e comprovadas por meio de uma série de idéias de post de blog com foco em táticas como exercícios respiratórios, alongamentos e até técnicas de meditação, para que possam se fundamentar em gratidão e positividade.

38. Destacar maneiras pelas quais as pessoas podem melhorar sua saúde no escritório

As ideias de publicação no blog melhoram a saúde

A pessoa média passa ⅓ do dia no trabalho. E para aqueles de nós com empregos no escritório, isso significa olhar para as telas e ficar debruçado sobre o teclado a maior parte do dia. O local de trabalho moderno é tão prejudicial à nossa saúde que a Clínica Mayo até compara o efeitos adversos à saúde de sentar por longos períodos para fumar! Desde sugerir escolhas mais saudáveis ​​durante a hora do almoço até sugerir alongamentos que podem ser feitos em suas mesas, dar dicas úteis ao público através de suas idéias exclusivas de postagem no blog pode melhorar sua saúde enquanto no escritório é uma maneira infalível de conquistar novos fãs.

39. Faça uma lista das melhores férias na Internet relevantes para o seu nicho

Idéias para publicação no blog

Do Dia da Conversa como um Pirata ao Dia Mundial da Barba (Sim, ambos existem), há um feriado de mídia social lá fora, que pode ser aplicado ao seu setor. Faça uma lista de feriados divididos por setor e expanda essas idéias de postagem no blog para ajudar a dar aos seus leitores algo divertido para comemorar no trabalho este ano.

40. Compile um resumo dos memes mais engraçados sobre o seu setor

Pra Memes

Nada ajuda a terminar um longo dia de trabalho melhor do que alguns bons memes. Scour Reddit, Buzzfeed e Ebaumsworld por alguns memes da SFW sobre o seu nicho e espalhe um pouco de alegria pelos escritórios em todos os lugares. Se essas idéias de postagem no blog começarem a ganhar força, você poderá transformá-las em uma série regular e até produzir seus próprios memes que se tornam virais.

41. Colete os infográficos mais interessantes e perspicazes sobre o seu nicho

Blog Post idéias infográficos

Eles podem não estar tão quentes quanto há alguns anos atrás, mas os infográficos ainda têm o potencial de direcionar o tráfego para o seu blog. Ótimos infográficos são capazes de compilar uma tonelada de dados relevantes em uma única imagem atraente, e você nem precisa produzir seus próprios gráficos. Pesquise na Internet os melhores infográficos relacionados ao seu setor e resuma suas maiores sugestões por meio de uma série de idéias de postagem de blog que expandem os conceitos que esses gráficos cobrem. Para obter mais orientações sobre essa idéia, consulte o guia da Visme sobre como fazer um infográfico você mesmo, para criar recursos visuais mais eficazes para o seu blog (sem precisar contratar uma equipe de design para obter ajuda).

42. Explique o que sua indústria pode aprender com as letras de hip hop ou da música country

Idéias para publicação no blog Hiphop ou música country

Hip hop e música country têm muito mais em comum do que você imagina. Ambos são gêneros cujas letras são repletas de lições de vida e experiências do mundo real. Sua indústria pode aprender algo com os principais sucessos do rap ou do país? Nesse caso, divida as letras e aplique-as ao seu nicho. Se essas idéias de postagem do blog atingirem o público-alvo, elas poderão se transformar facilmente em uma série regular. E se você estiver procurando por um desafio extra, escreva sua própria música e inclua-a na peça.

43. Quais são os dez mandamentos de sua indústria?

Mandamentos de ideias de postagem no blog

Todo setor possui um conjunto de regras inquebráveis ​​que podem ou não ser explicitamente declaradas em qualquer lugar. Essas regras geralmente não ditas são geralmente aprendidas da maneira mais difícil durante anos de tentativas e erros embaraçosos. Ajude seus leitores a poupar a cara ao iniciar uma nova ideia de negócio e dar a eles uma vantagem sobre a concorrência, escrevendo as regras em pedra metafórica em seu blog. Com o tempo, esses tipos de idéias de postagens no blog podem atrair muita atenção (e links) de outras pessoas que escrevem sobre tópicos semelhantes.

44. Quais são os sete pecados capitais da sua indústria?

Idéias para publicação no blog Sete pecados capitais

Depois de escrever os dez mandamentos de seu setor, acompanhe essa série de idéias de postagem no blog com os sete pecados capitais. Há definitivamente não-não, todos no seu nicho precisam aprender a evitar a todo custo? Configure seus leitores para o sucesso, alertando-os sobre os sete hábitos que eles devem evitar.

Ideias de publicação em blog que (com bom gosto) promovem seus negócios

Idéias para publicação no blog para promover seu negócio na ryrob

Pode ser difícil ultrapassar a linha entre buscar idéias para postagens no blog que instruam versus aquelas que também (com bom gosto) promovem seus produtos ou serviços para seus leitores. Aqui estão algumas idéias criativas de postagem no blog que farão isso sem deixar um gosto ruim.

45. Destaque os seus melhores clientes

Idéias para publicação no blog Melhores clientes

Todo mundo quer seu momento ao sol. Se você tiver a sorte de ter alguns clientes fiéis ou fãs apaixonados, por que não destacá-los e capitalizar com os tipos de ideias de postagens no blog? Destacar os melhores clientes promove o trabalho deles, fortalece sua conexão com eles e inspira outras pessoas a se envolverem com você também. É uma vitória para todos, além disso, essa ideia de postagem no blog pode realmente aumentar o calor do seu marketing boca a boca.

46. ​​Participou recentemente de algum evento marcante do setor? Dê aos seus leitores os destaques

Blog Post Ideas Eventos da Indústria

Há muitos eventos da indústria acontecendo todos os meses. É impossível para qualquer pessoa participar de todas elas. Se você já participou de alguns grandes eventos ou encontros em seu nicho, compartilhe os destaques com seus leitores. Essas idéias de postagem no blog podem ser executadas simplesmente como compartilhar um breve resumo com algumas sugestões práticas - isso é tudo o que você precisa para ajudar seu público a obter valor com a sua experiência no evento.

47. Lançando novos produtos ou serviços este ano? Dê ao seu público a 411

Idéias para publicação em blogs Novos produtos ou serviços

Se você sempre fornecer valor ao seu blog, criará uma boa vontade suficiente para se manter um pouco egocêntrico de vez em quando - fale sobre seus produtos e serviços. Seja equilibrado com a frequência com que você mantém seu público informado de todas as coisas incríveis que você está fazendo com esses tipos de idéias de postagem no blog, faça isso de maneira inteligente e inteligente e eles recompensarão você com sua atenção e dinheiro. Apenas verifique se você está em uma boa posição para capturar vendas através de um WordPress eCommerce website estreitamente conectado ao seu blog (ou não) assim que estiver pronto para solicitá-los.

48. Compartilhe o guia de estilo da sua empresa ou as diretrizes da marca

Guia de Estilo de Ideias para Postagem em Blog

Nos últimos dez anos, mais consumidores ficaram obcecados com um ótimo design. Atualizações de marcas e revelações de logotipos agora são um evento tão grande quanto o lançamento de um novo produto em alguns setores - levando a uma categoria totalmente nova de idéias de postagem de blog que você pode aproveitar. Você tem um guia de estilo ou conjunto de diretrizes da marca? Nesse caso, libere-os como parte do conteúdo do seu blog. Mergulhe no que as coisas moldaram seu pensamento e sua estética. Pode parecer trivial para alguns, mas os criativos vão gostar.

49. Explain the origin behind your company name or your logo

Blog Post Ideas Company Name or Logo Origin

Did you know that there’s an arrow hiding in plain sight in the FedEx logo? Or that Lego is comes from a Danish word that means to “play well?” More than likely, there’s an interesting story behind the name of your blog or the meaning behind your logo too. Share it with your readers and explore any other blog post ideas that can shed more light on insightful stories from within your company.

50. Profile members of your team or partners that have helped you

Blog Post Ideas Team Member Profiles

People connect with people. Capitalize on this with a series of blog post ideas showcasing a profile of each member of your team. This'll help your audience get to know the people behind your brand. No team? No problem! Even if you’re a solopreneur, there are no doubt a few key people and partners that have helped you along your journey. Interviewing them for your blog is a great way to say thanks and give them the praise that they deserve.

51. Compare your product or service against your competition

Blog Post Ideas Competition Comparison

If you believe in your product or service, you’re going to have to grab people’s attention and let them know why they should spend their money on you. Put your offering to the test against the competition and share the results with your readers with these kinds of blog post ideas. Done well, you can remain fair and honest while at the same time highlighting the superiority of your solution compared to others on the market. Check out my roundup of the 35 Best CRMs for Small Business to get an idea of how a comparison roundup like this can be done well, and see my comparison between Convertkit vs AWeber vs Mailchimp for an even more in-depth breakdown.

52. Educate your customers through a well written buyer’s guide

Blog Post Ideas Buyers Guide

Educating your potential customers with relevant and insightful information is one of the best blog post ideas that can also help you gain new business. Create a well thought-out buyer’s guide that arms them with everything they need to know about the products and services in your niche. It may seem counterintuitive to talk about your competitors, but by being helpful and providing value, you’re building trust and familiarity. People buy from the brands they know and trust.

53. Compile a list of events you and your company are participating in this year and tell people what they can expect

Blog Post Ideas List of Events

Are you participating in any events, conferences or workshops? If so, share your calendar with your audience through these types of blog post ideas, so people can connect with you face-to-face. Building a reputation for having a massive built-in audience that follows you wherever you go pays off. Event hosts will take note and offer all kinds of unique opportunities they wouldn’t extend otherwise.

54. Assemble the top customer testimonials about your product or service

Blog Post Ideas Top Customer Testimonials

No matter what good things you say about your own product or service, nothing will be as powerful as the expressions of actual customers. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth praise are worth their weight in gold, making these kinds of blog post ideas some of the most effective semi-promotional material you can create. If you’re fortunate enough to have earned some testimonials, highlight them on your blog (or on a landing page like I've done for my content marketing consultant page). Video works wonders in this regard. Seeing real people express their genuine feelings about your product or service will drive sales and build a positive reputation for your brand.

Blog Post Ideas That'll Teach and Instruct Your Audience

Best Blog Post Ideas to Teach Readers on ryrob

Beyond just the more top of the funnel educational content you're publishing, take some time to generate specific blog post ideas that take a more granular, step-by-step instructional take to solving your readers biggest challenges. These kinds of in-depth, highly tactical blog post ideas will help build much more meaningful relationships with your readers in the long run.

55. Admit your biggest failures and share what you feel you could have done better

Blog Post Ideas Biggest Failures

Anyone can broadcast their victories to the world. Few have the strength to reveal their biggest failures through these less glamorous blog post ideas. Candidly admitting your past mistakes can help others avoid making the same ones and demonstrates humility which will be endearing to your audience.

56. Invite your readers to participate in an “Ask me anything” interview post

Blog Post Ideas Ask Me Anything

Popularized by Reddit, AMAs are now a ubiquitous part of the web, making them one of the more established blog post ideas to actively engage your audience. The format is a unique product of the internet era and has created some truly compelling content. Invite your readers to submit their questions and post your raw, unfiltered answers. In AMAs, anything goes, so let your guard down and answer whatever comes at you as honestly as possible.

57. What do you look for in an employee or partner?

Blog Post Ideas What Do you Look For

As an expert in your niche, your insights and advice can be hugely beneficial to someone looking to get started or level up. Highlight a few of the key skills and qualities you look for in an employee or partner. What's great about these types of blog post ideas, is that what may seem obvious to you could cause light bulbs to go off for your readers.

58. Have you picked up some tricks over the years? Create a list of ultimate hacks

Blog Post Ideas List of Hacks

It can take years or even decades to learn the tricks and techniques of the pros. While you may be tempted to keep that knowledge to yourself, sharing it freely will help establish you as an expert in your field and make your readers feel indebted to you for your generosity. Building a list of ultimate hacks and publishing it is one of the most helpful kinds of blog post ideas you can take on. You may be surprised at how much new business can come from this content too.

59. Identify the top 10 books anyone getting started in your industry should read and why

Blog Post Ideas Top 10 Books

Hundreds of books are published every day. It can be hard to know which are worth the time and money and which aren’t. Give your readers a helping hand by compiling a list of the most insightful books about your niche. Take for example, my roundup of the 76 Best Business Books, which has proven to be one of my most successful blog post ideas of the last few years.

60. What tools, software, and equipment do you use on-the-go?

Blog Post Ideas Tools, Software, and Equipment

Today’s workforce is on the move, but staying productive while traveling can be challenge. How do you get work done on-the-go? Do you have a list of your favorite mobile apps? Have you used any cloud-based blogging tools or other online business tools that could be highlighted through these roundup style blog post ideas? What kind of laptop do you prefer? Share your experiences and ask your readers for their recommendations to spark some engagement.

61. Get candid and share the ups and downs of running your business

Blog Post Ideas Ups and Downs

Entrepreneurship is glamorized in media these days. Most people think of young techies managing their internet businesses from laptops while on tropical beaches, Mai Tais in hand. While a few do enjoy that kind of success and freedom, the harsh reality is that entrepreneurs as a whole suffer from a disproportionate amount of emotional and mental health issues. Reveal the highs and lows you’ve experienced building your business. Your candor with these kinds of blog post ideas will be refreshing.

62. Make a list of your favorite tools, apps, blogs, and websites

Blog Post Ideas Favorite Apps, Blogs, and Websites

Most professionals are looking for ways to level up and gain an edge over the competition, making these some of the best blog post ideas with guaranteed demand. What are your secret weapons? Do you have any aces up your sleeve? If you’re willing to share some of your tips and tricks, your blog readers will eat them up.

63. Create a checklist related to your industry

Blog Post Ideas Checklist

More than simple to-do lists, checklists are powerful tools used by professionals in the most demanding industries to make sure they perform at the highest level possible. Checklists help us ensure critical tasks are accomplished, improve communication, save us time, and allow us to focus on the more difficult parts of a problem. Tap into these blog post ideas by coming up with the most critical tasks in your role and create a checklist to help people accomplish those tasks successfully.

64. Break down each part of your process/workflow

Blog Post Ideas Break Down Process

People love learning how the professionals they respect and follow, get things done. If you’ve developed your own approach or techniques, why not share them with your readers with these kinds of blog post ideas? Contrary to what you might think, freely sharing knowledge can help you advance your career and increase your worth in the eyes of organizations.

65. Give advice on how to network with people in your niche

Blog Post Ideas How to Network

The advent of the internet has made it easier to connect with people than ever before. But it’s also wreaking havoc on our ability to develop social skills and healthy interpersonal relationships. As a result, many are finding it increasingly difficult to grow their networks and make new professional connections. Have you discovered ways to effectively connect with others in your nice? Act on these helpful blog post ideas by passing on what you’ve discovered to your audience.

66. Compile a list of useful templates and teach people how to use them

Blog Post Ideas List of Templates

Any blog post ideas that can save your readers time, money, or energy is going to be popular with your readers. Templates are valuable tools that can help people magnify their efforts. Search the web for the best templates that can be used in your niche and teach your readers how to use them. Can’t find any templates? Create your own.

67. Make a case study out of your last marketing campaign and share what you learned

Blog Post Ideas Case Study

Marketing advice is always a hot topic for blog post ideas today. Dissect your last marketing campaign and analyze what went well and what didn’t. If the campaign was a hit, your readers will be eager to read your case study and replicate your success. If the campaign was a disaster, even better. In the words of the great master Yoda: “The greatest teacher, failure is.” Sharing your failures could help others avoid a similar fate.

68. Create a do’s and don’ts list for people looking to build a career in your industry

Blog Post Ideas Dos and Dontsjpeg

Every industry is littered with hidden obstacles and traps that only a few are able to decipher and navigate through to success. Give your readers a head start in their careers through these kinds of blog post ideas with a simple do’s and don’ts article. Highlight the risks, identify the opportunities, shine a light on the best affiliate programs they should join if they're a blogger—and alert them to any potential missteps that could sabotage their career prospects.

69. Identify ways people can make their resume stand out in your space

Blog Post Ideas Make Resume Stand Out

Our resumes can either open doors for us or slam them shut. As competition across all industries increases, it’s critical that our resume represents us in the best way possible. Use your experience in your space to coach people on the key ways to make their resume stand out from the pack and you'll be capitalizing on one of the most helpful blog post ideas out there.

70. Highlight the top skills that will be in demand in your industry during the next 10 years

Blog Post Ideas Top Skills

Do you have any insights into how someone could “future-proof” their careers over the next decade? If you know which marketing skills will be in demand, share them with your readers and give them a leg up on the competition with these insightful blog post ideas geared toward career advancement.

71. Share a list of interview questions people should ask when hiring in your niche

Blog Post Ideas Interview Questions

Hiring new people is one of the hardest and riskiest parts of building a business. Job candidates can interview marvelously and then fail on the job without warning. Use your experience to prepare these kinds of  blog post ideas that break down a collection of questions people should ask when interviewing job applicants to identify the best hires.

72. Write some helpful emails that can be used in your industry

Blog Post Ideas Helpful Emails

Email is one of the primary means of communication professionals use today, but they can still be extremely difficult to get just right—especially when sending cold emails or sales emails. Make a list of the most common emails you find yourself sending, draft up some templates and share them to utilize these blog post ideas for your readers. Trust me, they'll love you for it!

Blog Post Ideas That Update, Notify and Inform Readers

Blog Post Ideas to Write About and Update Readers

There's something to be said for building a brand as an industry authority that publishes trend reports, offers hot takes on recent developments and breaks important new stories that apply to others in your space. These blog post ideas will give you inspiration on how to achieve that.

73. Where is your industry thriving? Make a list of the top 10 hot spots

Blog Post Ideas Top 10 Hotspots

Have certain cities become hotbeds of innovation for your industry? Leverage these kinds of blog post ideas and share ten places where you see opportunity growing for ambitious professionals.

74. Write a review of a product or service related to your industry

Blog Post Ideas Write Review

In an era of fake reviews and sponsored content, your authentic take on the latest products and services could be a breath of fresh air to your readers. Be careful though, these kinds of blog post ideas must always strive to be honest and unbiased if you hope to build trust and influence.

75. Share real-time updates directly from a conference

Blog Post Ideas Share Real-time Updates

Conferences are some of the best opportunities to learn best practices, meet influencers, and catch up with the latest developments in your field. But they can also be pretty expensive. Passes alone can be upwards of $1,000 or more, making a virtual update experience one of the easiest blog post ideas to execute on while at an event. Add in the cost of travel and accommodations and you could be looking at spending a pretty big chunk of change. If you get the opportunity to attend an industry event, try live blogging to make your readers feel like they’re right there with you.

76. What college majors are best suited for your industry?

Blog Post Ideas College Majors

Planning your college career is a daunting task for any young person. Tuition isn’t cheap these days and many go into serious debt to pay for their education. Today’s students want to ensure they’ll get a return on their investment. Give them a little direction by highlighting the top courses, schools and degree programs you think will help them build the best foundation for their careers with these kinds of blog post ideas like: 27 Best Blogging Courses and 101 Best Online Business Courses.

77. Which events should people in your industry attend and why?

Blog Post Ideas Events People Should Attend

There are dozens of conferences, conventions, meetups up and workshops happening every day in cities across the country. Which ones are the most beneficial for people in your niche to attend? Why do you feel that way? Share your thoughts with these kinds of blog post ideas for your audience and invite them to share their own recommendations.

78. Create a list of the keyboard shortcuts that can help people save time

Blog Post Ideas Keyboard Shortcuts

Memorizing the keyboard shortcuts for your favorite apps are one of those small investments that can pay off big in the long run. Knock it out of the park with these types of helpful blog post ideas by spending some time collecting the most useful shortcuts and key commands to put them together in an ultimate list.

79. Pull together the ultimate list of resources for your niche

Blog Post Ideas Ultimate List of Resources

The web is a big place. Even with Google, it can be difficult to track down the best resources in your niche. Bookmark the best resources you can find, group them by type and you've got a series of killer blog post ideas to give your readers a one stop shop for useful tools.

80. Recount the history of your industry and how it has developed over time

Blog Post Ideas History of your Industry

Having an understanding of where an industry has been and where its going can make it easier to figure out your place in it. Give your readers some history and context along with a few of your own personal stories and experiences with these blog post ideas that share much-needed perspectives.

81. Define the top terms and acronyms used in your industry

Blog Post Ideas Top Terms

Keeping up with the latest terms and acronyms used in your profession can be hard, even for industry veterans. Plus, they often change over time, making these blog post ideas useful to be updated for years to come. A well researched and up-to-date glossary can be hugely valuable and score you some evergreen traffic.

82. Has SEO changed for your niche in 2020? Where are the opportunities now?

Blog Post Ideas SEO

Optimizing your website for blog SEO strategies that'll win you the top spot in search rankings can mean different things for different industries. Choosing the best website builders and learning how to make a website aren't enough these days. If you've learned any techniques that are proving more effective than others, then teaching them could be very lucrative. What are some tactics that are driving results for other people in your industry? Put the strategies and tactics you discover into one handy guide or break them into a series of related blog post ideas for readers to consume based on industry.

83. Embed the best YouTube videos about your industry into a post

Blog Post Ideas Embed Best Youtube Videos

Video continues to explode in popularity online. More than 500 million hours of video is streamed on YouTube every day. Find the best videos related to your niche and embed them as clever blog post ideas on your website. It’s an easy way to deliver great content while keeping people on your page longer.

84. Launch a survey and highlight the key findings

Blog Post Ideas Launch a Survey

Conducting your own research results in unique data that your readers won’t be able to get anywhere else, making these blog post ideas some of the most stand-out pieces of content online today. Come up with a poll that’s focused on your niche and share the results with your readers for a truly unique take.

85. Compile a list of the top podcasts about your industry

Blog Post Ideas Top Podcasts

Podcasts have exploded in popularity over the last few years. It’s the perfect medium for busy professionals looking to learn new things. You can listen to them on your way to work, while you take your afternoon jog, or put one on while you’re making dinner. Pick a few shows related to your niche and share the links in a series of blog post ideas, or all at once in one epic guide.

86. Build a bullet list of the top facts and statistics about your nicheBlog Post Ideas List of Facts

One of the easiest and most evergreen blog post ideas you can write is a list of facts. Spend a few nights researching the most interesting or shocking facts and statistics about your industry and lay them out in a bullet list divided by topic.

87. Review the top online courses related to your niche

Blog Post Ideas Review Top Online Courses

Our time is finite and most of us try to make the best use of it as possible. For people trying to change careers or learn something new while working a full time job, it can be incredibly frustrating to realize you’ve wasted time and money on a low quality online course that didn’t teach you anything. Take advantage of these blog post ideas by sharing a list of the best courses in your niche and help steer busy people in the right direction.

88. Make a timeline of the biggest events that have changed your industry

Blog Post Ideas Timeline of the Biggest Industry Events

Sharing the history of your industry can provide some valuable context to newbies in your space, and a timeline is one of best methods to do this. They’re visually appealing, easy to scan, and make it easy to organize key events and data with these blog post ideas.

Blog Post Ideas That Are Controversial & Shake Things Up

Blog Post Ideas to Be Controversial and Shake Things Up

Sometimes, the best way to make a big splash in your niche is to take a controversial stand. These blog post ideas will help you shake things up and generate attention for your blog.

89. Is something bothering you? Vent your frustration in a blog post

Blog Post Ideas Vent your Frustration

When it comes to putting thoughts and opinions out on the internet, staying positive is generally the safest bet. But making a case for something you’re passionate about or writing a critique about something you think needs to change can spark a healthy debate that draws people into the conversation—making it amongst the blog post ideas that can make a big splash. Don’t be afraid to get a little provocative. Some of the world’s biggest brands have been built on controversy.

90. Pick a controversial tweet about your industry and write a response

Blog Post Ideas Respond to a Controversial Tweet

Taking your stand on a polarizing issue is a risky move, but that also makes it one of the most interesting blog post ideas out there. Calling someone out could have some nasty consequences and turn some people away from your brand. But it also has the potential to propel you into the spotlight. Try this one out at your own risk.

91. Put your thoughts down in an open letter to reach a wider audience

Blog Post Ideas Open Letter

Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Bill Gates are just a few people that have used open letters to draw attention to serious issues affecting our society. Writing an open letter is a bold move, made even bolder depending on who the letter is addressed to and what it contains. If you have something truly powerful to say and know exactly who needs to hear it, pen your thoughts into a blog post idea like this and unleash it to the world. Who knows, maybe it will be among other open letters that have left their mark on history.

92. Are there some popular misconceptions about your industry? Set the record straight.

Blog Post Ideas Set the Record Straight

For whatever reason, some industries seem to be plagued by scandals, misconceptions, or controversy. If you find this to be true of your niche, why not set the record straight through a myth vs. fact series of blog post ideas. Who knows, you may be able to shift perceptions and change the way people think.

93.Is there an issue that’s tearing your industry apart? Chime in with your take

Blog Post Ideas Chime in About an Issue

When you bring together talented professionals that are passionate about their craft, there is bound to be some conflict. Divisive issues spring up in every industry, forcing people to pick sides and defend their stance. If there’s a polarizing debate raging in your space, don’t shy away from it; leaders don’t stand on the sidelines. Throw in your two cents, publish a series of blog post ideas expanding on your beliefs and make yourself part of the conversation.

94. Revisit well-known predictions about your niche and highlight which ones came true and which didn’t

Blog Post Ideas Revisit Well-known Predictions

Early on in this list, we had you making your own predictions about your industry. While looking forward is a fun exercise, revisiting past predictions can be equally fascinating blog post ideas. Whether they were way off base or right on the money, your readers will appreciate looking back along with you.

95. Have major brands or influencers in your space had any epic fails?

Blog Post Ideas Epic Fail of Major Influencers

Even the most successful people and brands take a misstep or two. After all, nobody’s perfect. When failures happen, the best thing we can do is try to learn from them. Point out a few of your industry’s biggest blunders through blog post ideas that also provide a few takeaways we can learn from them.

96. Write about some of the biggest controversies in your industry

Blog Post Ideas Biggest Controversy

Controversies and scandals rock every industry from time to time and occasionally leave lasting scars. What has rocked your niche? Giving insight into the events that have shaped the cultural landscape of your space makes for rich blog post ideas.

97. Share some comments from trolls and come up with clever responses

Blog Post Ideas Clever Responses to Trolls

Online bullies love lobbing hurtful comments at people and then hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Why not turn the tables on the trolls and call them out directly? Even if you only know their screen name, use these kinds of blog post ideas to clap back with a witty response will catch them off guard and make other would-be bullies think twice.

98. Highlight 5 things you’d like to change about your industry

Blog Post Ideas 5 Things to Change in the Industry

Even if you’re passionately committed to your profession, there are no doubt a few things that you wish were different. Write those opinions down in a series of blog post ideas expanding upon those improvements and see if you can build consensus with others in your space.

99. Identify crucial skills in your niche that don’t require a college degree

Blog Post Ideas Identify Crucial Skills

With skyrocketing tuition fees and the crushing burden of student debt hanging over their heads, many young people are taking a good hard look at whether college is the right choice for them or not. Is a degree truly necessary in order to succeed in your niche? Are there certifications or online courses that could prove just as valuable? Make a list of the most in-demand skills in your industry that can be developed outside of the classroom in a series of compelling blog post ideas.

100. Explain how professionals in your space can recession-proof their business

Blog Post Ideas How to Be Recession Proof

At the time of writing, we’re currently in the longest bull run in the history of the US economy (knock on wood). The Great Recession of 2008 is a faint memory in many people’s minds and some of the same reckless financial decisions that caused it are being repeated over and over again. What goes up must come down. Now’s the time to recession-proof your business before it’s too late. Put together some actionable insights into a series of blog post ideas that'll help business owners to prepare themselves for the next economic downturn.

101. Have you seen people make the same mistakes over and over as they try to break into your field? Give them some good advice.

Blog Post Ideas Advice about Common Mistakes

No successful person got to where they are without some help along the way. We’ve all had mentors and advocates share some advice, give us a few breaks and show us the ropes. Earn some good karma and pay those good deeds forward with a series of your own blog post ideas that share your best advice. Shine the light on the most common mistakes newbies make in your niche and explain how to avoid them.

Woo! I've extended this list and made it even more epic! 👋

As time goes by, I keep getting more blog post ideas and continue to come across the awesome work of other bloggers out there publishing creative content... so I add to this list of the best blog post ideas quite often.

Here are some more content ideas to keep your editorial calendars fully stocked this year.

102. List the best motivational speeches in movies related to your niche

Are there any seminal movies that somehow pertain to the niche you blog about? Seize upon this blog post idea and list out the best motivational speeches in movies that are related to the topics you cover about. For example, the greed is good speech from the finance-related movie, Wall Street. About hope from Andy Dufresne’s letter in the Shawshank Redemption, or on unity from Denzel Washington’s speech in Remember the Titans. Believe it or not, with the sheer amount of movies today, this blog post idea is applicable to practically every industry.

103. Highlight the most recent changes in your industry this year

One example of this blog post idea in action here on my blog, is that I often share new breakdowns about the changes in the blogging industry on topics like the best web hosting plans or which free blogging sites are emerging, and how these changes will affect my audience (bloggers). No matter the industry you're in, there will be regular changes that shape the nature of how the top-performers must change their practices in order to retain their competitive edge.

104. Write about your morning routine and what makes it possible

Talk about a few healthy habits that help you start the day and prime your morning for maximum productivity with this blog post idea format. These articles could even have direct affiliate revenue connections by being about which apps you use to wake yourself up and organize your calendar, which products you use for meditation or which exercise equipment you use to warm up in the morning—and you could link to products through Amazon's affiliate program.

105. Highlight why skills (not degrees) will dominate resumes in your industry

Consider blogging about about the failure of the standard education system around the world and the devaluation of degrees across the board. Within this blog post idea, you can even contrast that with the high valuation of emerging jobs (that don't require degrees) and offer up relevant resources for readers to learn those skills.

106. Share resume writing tips for the modern professional

Like it or not, if you apply for a job online today, your resume goes through electronic filters that look for specific keywords. This is done in the name of efficiency. You could use this blog post idea to talk about how using certain keywords in your resume (for the niche you write about on your blog) can help readers get past the first screening step. Refer to how you can make your resume lean for every job opening by cutting out useless skills like Microsoft Office. Talk about organizing your resume by relevance and listing achievements or experiences instead of responsibilities.

107. Choose a popular article on your blog and add to it

Look at the analytics on your blog and make a creative decision about how to add more value to the same article. If a certain blog post idea has already worked really well for you, then take a look at what made it successful and why your audience comes to it—then add on to that article by making it more in-depth, unique and useful to your audience.

108. List of the most valuable degrees offered by universities today

Make a list of the 10 most valuable degrees being offered by colleges within your industry and tie them to specific job titles & average salaries throughout a career's lifetime. It’s better to focus on Bachelor’s degrees here rather than Master’s degrees, as there will be many more readers seeking value from this kind of blog post idea who've yet to complete their first degrees. Rank the degrees by order of the highest paying jobs students can expect after graduating.

109. Write about the benefits and drawbacks of crypto currency

Talk about crypto-currency’s biggest benefits and caveats. Write about the tax savings and efficiency that they entail, as well as their use in the black market. Talk about the security and transparency Blockchain offers along with the numerous pump-and-dump schemes like BitConnect.

110. The benefits of Blockchain for your industry

Blockchain technology is very likely to grow and become more widespread in the industries that it touches (beyond just crypto currencies), because of the security benefits Blockchain offers compared to other data transfer systems. This is one of my favorite recent blog post ideas, because you can apply it to your own niche—and for example talk about how companies and governments are utilizing the technology in different ways.

111. The importance of humility and patience in any profession

Another one of my favorite blog post ideas because of how much you can connect with your audience, use this to talk about the temptation our generation has to achieve instant gratification. Speak about how patience the willingness to try hard, make mistakes and learn can pay off in both your career and personal life.

112. Relaxation tips for the overworked professional

If you've ever started a business on the side of your day job, then you know just how little free time you have in your week as a busy entrepreneur. Sharing relaxation techniques that people can use in order to take a load off is another one of my favorite blog post ideas. These can be as simple as self-massage techniques, grooming products, recipes, or even music playlists people can listen to so they can relax.

113. How to optimize your smartphone for productivity

List out the steps people can take to make their smartphone more productive. An example of tips you could include when employing blog post ideas like this include turning off your notifications, uninstalling social media applications during the week and using specific colors for notification lights.

114. The benefits of smart wearables for the business professional

With this blog post idea, you can cover the various benefits that wearables have for business professionals. These can include increased efficiency, tracking vitals, taking calls via Bluetooth headphones and the like.

115. Talk about little-known facts you’ve learned from your work experience

Another of my favorite formats when it come to blog post ideas, is shedding light on industry secrets that people don’t know about in your space. Talk about what no one teaches rookies, that they can benefit from learning now. You can even write a blog post series about general professional habits that novices can cultivate to help them succeed in their career.

116. The importance of design and presentation when pitching ideas

Use notable examples from within your industry (or personal experience) to make your point about how to pitch an idea. You can even recommend products and tools that readers can use for designing effective presentations, and the response could lead to an entire series of blog post ideas expanding into different areas of teaching your audience presentation skills.

117. Lessons learned from your customers over the years

Write about the most valuable advice you’ve received from customers with this blog post idea. You could talk about what they’ve been most surprised by, what they've appreciated most and the factors that made first-time users become repeat customers.

118. What do people in your industry worry about that they shouldn’t?

In this series of blog post ideas, you could dive into the things that get a lot of attention in your industry, that shouldn’t at all. Make a case for arguing against the importance of dressing professionally instead of acting professionally, only meeting deadlines instead of actually learning emailing on weekends.

119. The importance of breaking large tasks down into simple steps

Talk about how breaking down tasks in to basic steps can help improve productivity as it relates to your industry with this blog post idea. Speak about how those basic steps can make bigger tasks seem more attainable and you might even start your way down a series of blog post ideas.

120. The usefulness of templates for repetitive projects in your niche

These blog post ideas have become a very successful staple on my blog—because they breakdown how using specific templates can help make quick work of repetitive projects and tasks on my blog. Take the overarching principles for which templates could be used well within your niche and use that to educate readers in your field.

121. Important tools and extensions for readers in your industry

You can talk about the various software tools or hardware aids that you find useful within your industry. These can be productivity programs, apps, gadgets or physical you talk about and highlight for readers using this blog post idea.

122. Embracing minimalism to de-clutter your busy life

Talk to your audience about the importance of decluttering. Use this blog post idea to tell them about how getting rid of useless things can vastly improve their lives.

123. How to trim down your personal hygiene routine for maximum efficiency

Talk about how grooming can be made personal in this blog post idea. You can even dive deeper to tell readers how they can design their own routines and get rid of products, habits and influencers that are holding them back.

124. A list of actually useful websites for professional in your field

Scouting Reddit to come up with some novel sites you're not even aware of yourself yet would be useful in executing on this blog post idea. You can get a lot of attention in your community for publishing a list of websites that can actually help your readers overcome challenges they're facing today—and if particular problems become clear to you based on the feedback from that article, it could lead to a new series exploring other blog post ideas that answer those questions in more detail.

125. Comment on outdated practices in your industry

With this blog post idea, you can give your opinion on practices that you’ve found to no longer be worth the effort in your industry. This will help a lot of rookies avoid classic traps that many fall into.

126. Why brand loyalty is bad for the consumer

Talk about the walled garden that certain brands and ecosystems build around their customers. This blog post idea should reach into the importance of experimentation and how brands make people feel negative emotions when leaving them for another.

127. Talk about the fading importance of life deadlines as you grow older

This has become one of my favorite blog post ideas lately, because it's settling to others to read that they're not alone in feeling the race to get married by 30 or have kids by 35 isn't for them. You can talk about how not everything in life needs to be centered around deadlines and the importance of enjoying life as things are—taking it one step at a time.

128. The best (and worst) practices you find with new people in your industry

Use this blog post idea to talk about the young professionals you’ve met and the best and worst practices common among them. These can be work related or personal.

129. The importance of unplugging from social media

Talk about how social media addiction is real and how it can cause severe depression and anxiety. Using this format to explore a series of blog post ideas, you can talk about how humans aren’t built to digest and process so much information in a single day.

130. Share great stories about business owners that gave back to your community

Share stories about your own (smaller) local version of Bill Gates, The Rockefeller and The Mellons that've given back to your local community and this could even turn into a series of blog post ideas that shine a light on influential local people.

131. The most important lessons you learned from a movie

Use this blog post idea format to talk about some of your favorite movies and what you've learned from them. This is entirely subjective, so let your creativity guide this in any direction that feels natural.

132. Valuable questions to ask yourself when switching jobs

Share a checklist of what people in your industry should ask themselves when switching jobs in your field. An example of a core tenant you could explore in this blog post idea would be staying objective in judging the value of the new job vs. the old one (monetarily and philosophically).

133. Essential tips to plan your vacation

Share a basic template of what to do when planning a vacation in a popular location that your readers may want to visit one day. You're already doing the work for your upcoming trip, so use this blog post idea to share that information publicly. This could include planning your visits every day, what gear you can buy, searching for esoterica, looking for accommodations, installing specific apps and such.

134. Ask top figures in your industry to share the biggest mistake they've made

This is another one of those very subjective blog post ideas that can be shaped by any personal flavor you'd like to put on it, but it can cover anything from personal advice to professional mistakes new business owners in your field should avoid, or otherwise.

135. Interview someone who’s recently made it big in your industry

You don't need a podcast in order to conduct a good interview. A great blog post format for anyone looking to build relationships with more influential people in their industry, is to interview those entrepreneurs—people that've established a successful company, introduced a new product or otherwise achieved a meaningful milestone, so they can share their advice with you (and your audience).

136. List out your favorite ad campaigns from within your industry

Talk about the most memorable ads marketing campaigns that are coming out of companies in your space with this blog post idea.

137. Share the importance of letting go of toxic relationships

Whether personally or professionally, these blog post ideas that draw on difficult experiences to teach your readers an important lesson can build very close relationships with readers. You can talk about how toxic relationships weigh on you and keep you from being the best version of yourself—both in and out of a business.

138. Make a giant list of some of your favorite products

Like I've done with my list of the best blogging tools, you could use this blog post idea to talk about which products and services you’ve been using and why you’ve grown so loyal to them over the years.

139. The importance of investing a chunk of your income every month

In this blog post idea, you can talk about how investing can grow your money and how it’s a great tool to learn to improve your financial life.

140. Share great life lessons you’ve learned from experience

Talk about the most profound experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them in this blog post idea. Stick to personal experiences, not advice that you’ve received from others.

141. Break down the most life-changing apps you use

Talk about the smartphone and computer apps that make you most productive in this blog post idea. These could be reminder apps, exercise apps, hotel booking apps, a voice assistant app or otherwise.

142. List technical skills that are currently underserved

In this blog post idea, you could talk about the industries that are facing a shortfall of talent (and thus pay very well moving forward) like software development or cyber security. If your audience latches onto this topic, you could even expand into a series of blog post ideas that expands upon specific technical skills (and you could recommend learning resources or teach them yourself as a way to make money blogging).

143. The best apps you need to catch up on daily news

Talk about the best apps that condense the most important news in to palatable bits like the New York Times morning briefing, Economist Espresso or LinkedIn Daily Briefing. If it does well, you could launch a series of blog post ideas that expand into different industry-specific newsletters—or even host your own that readers can subscribe to.

144. How blogging can create an intimate connection

Talk about how blogging can help create intimacy between you and your audience in this blog post idea—and how regardless of the kind of business you own, sharing stories from your journey can forge a meaningful connection with your customers.

145. The importance of curating your wardrobe

Write about why having a simple, uncluttered and minimalistic wardrobe can save time, remove uncertainty and ensure that you always look good with this blog post idea format. You can even share photos from your own closet to drive home your message.

146. How Marie Kondo’s method can help you de-clutter your life

Marie Kondo is exploding in popularity, and her methods of de-cluttering your rooms (and your life) can also be broadly applied to a wide range of other areas of your reader's lives if you get creative with this blog post idea.

147. Highlight top bloggers and vloggers in your field

Talk about some of your favorite bloggers and vloggers in a series of blog post ideas that can range from a simple interview, to a more in-depth analysis of what's made a particular blogger successful in a more in-depth format.

148. Talk about insights from recent data about industry

Use this blog post idea to talk about how data warehousing and processing huge volumes of data have given your industry great new insights. An example of one of these blog post ideas in practice, is my recent highlight (and analysis) of the top blogging statistics shaping the blogging industry this year.

149. list the benefits of therapy and why more people should try it

Talk about why therapy is good for us all—regardless of whether or not we're going through issues in our personal or professional lives, and the positive benefits that can be had. You could even pair this approach with one of our other blog post ideas, an interview, to share captivating stories from others in your niche too.

150. List 5 people that you respect in your field and why

List 5 people in your industry whom you find worthy of praise, whether they're leaders or just starting out or seasoned veterans. This blog post idea can not only help share important industry advice, but can also lead to great new connections.

151. Share what you consider most valuable in a leader

Use this blog post idea to talk about the qualities in a leader that you consider essential for success in your industry, like confidence, focus, fairness, objectivity and otherwise.

151. Talk about the hobbies you indulge in during free time

Talk about the hobbies you have and their importance in keeping you balanced with this blog post idea.

152. Publish an article for the smallest demographic of your readers

Serve a hyper-specific demographic of your audience with this blog post idea that reaches an under-served community in need of your help.

153. Talk about unique personal qualities that have served you well in interviews

Talk about the qualities that your employers have always found impressive in you, and why they’ve helped you during job interviews within your industry. This can lead to a series of blog post ideas expanding on interview advice for your field.

154. Industry practices that favor the less talented and more charismatic

Try this blog post idea to explore practices in your industry that favors more charismatic people that aren’t necessarily more talented than others. Talk about how adopting these qualities can help the more talented (but shy) people ascend the ranks faster too.

155. Write an in-depth review of a recent podcast episode

If you're an avid podcast listener, then consider this blog post idea where you can write an in-depth review, analysis or even an expansion upon a recent podcast episode from a show you admire. Bonus points if the podcast is run by an influencer in your industry that you can then reach out to and connect with (after publishing your review of their recent episode). I've found using this format of blog post idea to be extremely helpful in building mutually beneficial relationships with other bloggers in my niche.

156. Best Encryption Tools for Cloud Storage

Privacy concerns are on the rise all over the world, which makes this topic area ripe for the right blog post ideas that can provide valuable insight & recommendations. It’s not enough that you backup your data to a cloud, since cloud storage has been shown to be penetrable. Hence, a blog post about the best encryption tools available for cloud storage seems important for that discussion.

157. Best VPNs for Online Privacy

This is another of our blog post ideas concerning privacy. VPNs allow you to hide your online activity by rerouting the traffic through one of thousands of available servers. Due to privacy concerns worldwide, numerous VPNs are available now that offer fast speeds and encryption.

158. These are the Best Messaging Apps for Online Privacy

With governments clamping down on individual privacy, it’s natural to write about some encrypted messaging apps—as the demand for those kinds of tools and services are on the rise. While some like WhatsApp, use end-to-end encryption, there are others that are deemed to be safer, like Signal.

159. This Is Edward Snowden’s Preferred Laptop for Privacy

Edward Snowden is the whistleblower who exposed the NSA’s privacy violations to the world. He recently came on the Joe Rogan podcast and talked about his favorite laptop—Purism. Discussing its merits in an in-depth guide would be a good content idea to explore if you want to attract an audience of readers who care deeply about security online.

160. Best Photo Editing Apps for Your Smartphone

Photo editing is now a natural part of the average smartphone user’s day, as snapping a selfie is easier than ever before. There are thousands of photo editing apps and millions of filters available on apps like Snapchat and Instagram alone. However, not all apps are created equal. With this blog post idea, you could explore some of your favorites and offer up helpful reviews.

161. Talk About Your Favorite Podcasts

Podcasts are a natural evolution from radio. You can find shows ranging from the verbose to the extremely short-form. Talk about some of your favorite podcasts and why you love them. Bonus points if you talk about your favorite app to listen to them on.

162. Compare the Best Value Smartphones Out There Under 500 Dollars

The mid-range smartphone market has really grown in the past 5 years due to the introduction of $1000 flagships like the iPhone. Writing some articles about alternative offerings from Xiaomi, OnePlus, Realme, Samsung and Huawei that cost under $500 could definitely get you some readers that want a good phone—but don’t want to break the bank.

163. List Out the Essential Items of Clothing Every Man Should Have in Their Wardrobe

It seems like sartorial fashion has really gone downhill in recent years. Advising the younger generation on classic items of clothing they should have in their wardrobe, could lead to a refreshing series of blog post ideas that can solidify your reputation in the lifestyle or fashion blogging space. Be sure to go beyond the normal suit and tie that's often recommended.

164. List the Essential Items of Clothing Every Woman Should Have in Their Wardrobe

As with the previous topic idea, you can also write about wardrobe recommendations for women. Suggest which items are most comfortable as well as the most stylish during each major season. This could significantly widen your blog’s appeal and help you tap into a growing audience of women searching for fashion-related content online.

165. How to Assemble a Great Shaving Kit

Trust me, it'd be easy to write a book about this one. You could talk about everything from shaving soaps to creams, foams and gels. From there, you can expand into different combinations of shaving razors, trimmers, aftershave and highlight your own shaving routine. Bonus points if you release a series of YouTube videos to help better illustrate what you're writing about on your blog as well.

166. How to Assemble a Great Make Up Kit

Remember to do your research on this one—and not just repeat conventional wisdom. You could also interview women who've worked in the makeup industry so that this blog post idea tackles the topic with a diverse sampling of styles, approaches and levels of expertise.

167. List the Best Travel Apps to Help Plan Your Next Trip

Statistics show that young people are traveling more than ever today. This has given way to some awesome travel planning apps and websites. Try some out and talk about your favorite ones. Also, share some tips from your own travel experience, if you've got some personal advice to share here.

168. List the Importance of Some Mundane Fashion Accessories

Some fashion accessories do serve a practical purpose in addition to making you look good. For example, sunglasses that are fashionable, yet also protect your eyes. Talk about a few of these accessories everyone should own, and it could lead to an entire series of blog post ideas that expand upon the subject of sunglasses in greater depth. This is a particularly appealing topic, because it can lead to better monetizing your blog through affiliate links (or selling your own sunglasses).

169. Compare the 3 Big Voice Assistants (Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa)

You can approach this blog post idea in one of two ways. You can demonstrate their responses to a series of questions or just demonstrate the advantages of one over the two others. Make sure to be objective in your analysis, and if you can pair this content with a video demonstrating their responses to your comedic queries, it'll have a lot more viral potential.

170. Compare the Pros and Cons of Old and New Smartphone Design

You can talk about the advantage of removable batteries, how making thin phones has affected durability and so on. You should also list the improvements new phones have over their predecessors to make this content balanced. This could be an interesting look at how smartphones have gotten both better AND worse over the past decade.

171. List the 5 Best Laptops for Battery Life

The title’s self-explanatory for this blog post idea. Remember to classify how you’re testing battery life (which activities you’re performing, what programs you’re using and such). If you’re quoting other sources who've done their own testing, make sure to talk about the tests they used and cite your sources.

172. List the 5 Best Smartphones for Battery Life

This can be very similar to the blog post topic above, except focused on the top smartphones on the market today. Remember to elaborate on the type of battery tests conducted, and the sources you've consulted.

173. Talk About Reddit as a Useful (Sometimes Polarizing) Forum

Reddit is one of the most visited sites in the world. It's a forum that's usually the worst place to have meaningful discussions, though—as conversations often devolve into criticisms. However, it does have threads on how to improve your life, as well as actual discussions on existentialism and the meaning of life. Plus, the worst answers get down-voted and the best are voted up. Talk about how you’ve explored some corners of reddit and how they’ve helped you out.

174. Blog About Essential First Aid Knowledge Everyone Should Have

Everyone gets hurt, and it never happens at a time of our choosing. You could use this blog post idea to share some essential first-aid tips relating to everyday injuries—especially if this subject matter is relevant to your blog niche.

175. Best Alternatives to Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the best office application, but it costs a ton. Talk about some of the best alternatives available that can do almost everything the Office Suite can. This will be a boon for those short on cash.

176. Essential Home Repair Skills Everyone Should Have

We’ve become accustomed to calling the handyman for every little problem at home (I should know). Talk about some home repair skills that everyone should have in this content idea. This'll benefit not only a lot of bachelors and students that are short on cash, but it'll serve as a forcing function for you to learn some handy skills yourself.

177. 5 Apps That Can Help You Get Better with Money

Financial responsibility isn’t something you just pick up one day—you need to learn to be frugal and make sound investments. It takes education and experience. Talk about some wallet or savings apps that can help students and young adults get better with managing their spending habits, and you'll start to attract an audience willing to learn more about personal finance.

178. 10 YouTube Channels to Follow If You’re a Tech Nerd

This idea is pretty self-explanatory. Today, almost everyone searches for reviews before buying big electronics. Recommend your favorite tech reviewers for unbiased coverage. Some channels to check out might include MKBHD, Linus Tech Tips, UrAvgConsumer, Mrwhosetheboss, TechnicalGuru and others.

179. 5 Websites You Can Follow to Get Definitive Recommendations on Tech

For those that aren’t interested in video and want comprehensive (written) reviews for their electronics, you can recommend websites. Talk about dependable reviewers like Tom’s Guide, Head-Fi, WireCutter and others that share regular content on top tech. You can even recommend a reliable subreddit here, if you dare.

180. 5 Most Productive Email Clients for Professionals

The average Joe may not care about this topic, but professionals who spend hours in their inbox each day certainly will. They need all their emails managed and de-cluttered. Suggest email clients that get the job done without much need for customization—or those that feature extension support for high customizability.

181. Talk About The Best Gmail Extensions

Gmail is the most popular email service in the world. This is why it's so feature-rich when it comes to extension support. Talk about the most popular Gmail extensions like Boomerang, Checker Plus, ActiveInbox and how to best use those tools to become a more productive emailer.

182. Write a Post on Your Favorite Television Shows from Childhood

This is another self-explanatory blog post idea that expands on your tv-watching experiences. Don’t forget to elaborate on why you loved these awesome shows—and why they would appeal to others.

183. Write a Post on Old Television Shows Everyone Should Watch

This could be a list of your favorite shows or classics that have stood the test of time. This could be really fun, because you could explore shows from the 1940s, or even ones as recent as the 90s.

184. Write a Post on Classic Films That Changed Cinema Forever

This is another self-explanatory idea. You can consult critics’ lists like Roger Ebert’s or Gene Siskel’s if you want to choose the most relevant titles. You can also consult Sight and Sound, the British film magazine, for a more international perspective on this series of blog post ideas.

185. Write a Post on 5 Best Picture Winners Nobody Remembers

This content topic can be entirely subjective. Go through the Best Picture winners from the past few decades and talk about ones that you no longer see discussed anymore.

186. Write About 10 Things People Can Do on Their Own To Reduce Pollution

These tips are extremely relevant if your blog covers environmental concerns at all—and can be as small as buying reusable bottles or as big as volunteering for local clean up drives. Be sure to emphasize that every little bit counts, and if your audience wants more, it could easily lead to a series of blog post ideas on the broader subject.

187. Write About What You’ve Learned to Value Most in Friendships

This one is clearly a personal post, but could go great lengths in building stronger connections with your readers. Talk about your experiences with friends and what you’ve learned to be the most endearing qualities in friendships.

188. Talk About the Best Internet Service Providers and Why You Settled on One

If you haven’t faced any Internet problems in your life (you lucky son of a gun), do some research and put yourselves in the shoes of others who have bad Internet. However, do talk about your Internet service provider and its pros and cons for some authenticity—plus many of those companies will have affiliate programs you can join to earn some income from your recommendations.

189. List 5 Great Tools for Graphic Designers (Photoshop, Illustrator, Pixlr and More)

You can go through several existing lists by reviewers and even subreddits to gather research for this blog post idea. Don’t just regurgitate the same posts though, download these tools for yourself and give honest recommendations.

190. Tips Which Will Improve People’s Health Over Time

This article can be sourced from your own life, as well as from other fitness experts who've got experience. You can even consult medical journals and research papers if you’d like to create a truly in-depth, transformative research that has a strong chance at attracting readers. Just boil the advantages of these tips down into simple language for the average Joe, and you'll already be doing a great service to this niche.

191. List 5 Things People Can Do in Their Lives to Help Their Community

With this blog post idea, you should be sincere above all else. Talk about which acts of kindness and charity can help the community, how to make a positive impact on the lives of your fellow residents and why people should invest their time into these activities.

192. List 10 Great Media Player Apps for Windows and Mac

This is another self-explanatory topic idea. Visit trusted reviewer sites like PC Magazine, CNET and Tom's Guide. Don’t just talk about functionality though, strive to explore speed and ease of use here too.

193. List 5 Great Perfume Brands that Everyone Should Try

This is a straightforward blog post idea, built around product recommendations that can also be monetized. List perfumes which last, which are fairly priced and which give off the best fragrance. This’ll appeal to all kinds of audiences.

194. Write About the Importance of Penmanship and Working on Your Signature

True penmanship is becoming less critical for business today, but it’s still a great way to impress someone in a work setting. Plus, there’s just something awesome about pulling out a pen and leaving a well-crafted signature—not to mention the potential to create a career out of the skill as a hand lettering artist.

195. List the 4-5 Best Wristwatches You’ve Tried Wearing

Talk about your personal experiences with watches for this series of blog post ideas geared toward both men or women. Talk about their durability, their accuracy, comfort. If you’re not a wristwatch person, you can talk about some of the best-selling watches of all time and why they've been so successful.

196. Point Out 5 Rookie Mistakes You Made as a New Employee

This one is for the novices reading your blog, but would be extremely relevant if your topics cover career-related subjects. Make this blog post as actionable as possible, so it provides real value to the beginners in your industry.

197. List 5 Things You Can Do To Make a Good First Impression in Your Office

This blog post idea is somewhat similar to the previous title, but can include tips from dressing well to being comfortable in your own skin, displaying quiet confidence and volunteering to be a leader whenever opportunities present themselves.

198. Talk About the Objective and Subjective Advantages of Having a Pet

With this idea, you can talk about the proven mental and physical health benefits of owning a pet—as well as the resulting happiness you stand to gain from having a pet in your life.

199. Write About 5 Great Backpacks that You’ve Tried and Why You’ve Settled on One

This will appeal particularly well to travelers, as well as those that take backpacks to work—leading to the opportunity to break this down into a series of blog post ideas targeted toward specific audiences. If you’re not a backpack person yourself, you can always refer to reviews on Wire Cutter or a subreddit for the best suggestions.

200. List Out 5 Great Wireless Earbuds for Professionals to Try

Wireless earbuds are now a staple of the average consumer—from Bose products over the Apple's AirPods. Headphone jacks are quickly vanishing and wireless buds are getting much better. Recommend a few budget buys along with the favorites that everyone feels comfortable buying. This should be a pretty popular blog post for young professionals, and could lead to a series of blog post ideas for specific audiences or use-cases like earbuds for working out, running and travel.

201. Research Hiring Trends in Your Industry

Use this blog post idea to explore the trajectory of job growth (and how many new companies are started in the sector) over the past few years, to give an analysis of where the job market might be heading for professionals in your space. From here, you can provide actionable recommendations on everything from how to apply to new jobs, to sprucing up a resume, what it takes to get a promotion and more.

Bonus: 7 Proven Ways to Amplify Your Blog Post Ideas and Drive Traffic

Blog Post Ideas How to Get Readers to Come

Now that you’ve started translating your blog post ideas into real, published work—it’s time to get to work promoting your posts to reach as many people as possible. Here are a few effective ways to expose your blog to new readers, build your audience and drive more traffic today.

1. Answer Questions on Quora and link back to your blog

More than 300 million people visit Quora, the popular question-and-answer site, each month. With over 400,000 topics and thousands more added every week, there are likely hundreds of questions around your niche that you can answer with links back to your blog.

2. Become a Redditor and share your content

Reddit bills itself as ‘the front page of the internet’ and it’s easy to see why. The latest and most interesting stories from across the internet seem to break on Reddit first. With an audience as big as Twitter’s but with more than double the engagement rate, Reddit has the potential to drive massive traffic to your site.

3. Reach out to influencers and ask them to share your content

It’s a long and arduous road to build your audience to 1 million followers. It’s a lot faster and easier to convince someone who already has 1 million followers to share your content. Build relationships with influencers and ask them to share your best blog post ideas once they're published as well-refined content. If they agree, you’ll dramatically expand your reach, plus you'll create the opportunity for future collaborations like guest blogging.

4. Ask your network to help amplify your content

Just a few shares, likes and retweets can be enough to get the social media network algorithms to exponentially increase the amount of people your content gets exposed to. Ask your own personal network of colleagues, friends, family and supporters to help share your pieces. They want you to succeed and will undoubtedly be excited to help.

5. Make a video based on your blog post

Video has exploded in popularity over the last few years. YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google, and a few YouTube videos show up on the first page of Google search results. These two opportunities may just make video the best way to drive eyeballs to your website. Convert your blog post ideas into a snappy video, upload your video to YouTube, optimize it for search and be sure to link back to your original article.

6. Share your article with online communities

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the largest and most obvious places to share your content. But there are thousands of other online communities built around various niches that often have higher engagement. Have you written about design? Try submitting your article to Web development? Send your piece to No matter what you’ve written about, there’s a passionate community out there that is hungry for new content.

7. Include your blog post in your email newsletter

If you have an internet presence and aren’t building an email list, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful tools for driving traffic to your blog. A healthy list to do email marketing to, is comprised of people that love your content and want to be contacted when you have more. Shoot out an email to your list whenever you have new articles, just be careful not to do overdo it. A monthly or weekly newsletter is typical, but be sure to experiment to find the right cadence for your audience.

Did I Miss Any Creative Blog Post Ideas?

What'd I miss?

Are there any blog post ideas or general content structures you've had success with (that we didn't cover here)?

Share your best blog post ideas with us in the comments below!

And remember, consistently turning blog post ideas into high quality content is tough, but the juice is worth the squeeze. Investing in creative, entertaining, and high value blog post ideas can have exponential returns. The key is building a diverse array of blog ideas and sticking to a regular publishing schedule.

Pair these ideas with a robust content amplification strategy and you’ll be set to capture massive traffic this year.

Oh and if you haven't yet gotten your blog off the ground yet, then head over to my ultimate guide to starting a blog.

Still Need to Start Your Blog First?

Check out my ultimate guide about How to Start a Blog (on the Side) Today.