Não importa quão gratificante seja o seu trabalho em tempo integral, encontrar o melhor idéias de negócios laterais e, eventualmente, tornar-se autônomo é ainda mais significativo do que grandes salários e benefícios sólidos.
Escolher o caminho do empreendedorismo e trabalhar para encontrar grandes idéias de negócios é sem dúvida mais arriscado do que se contentar em manter um emprego de 9 a 5 anos. Requer muito mais sacrifício. No entanto, uma vez que você colha os benefícios do estilo de vida de ser seu próprio chefe e se esforça para ganhar muito mais dinheiro com suas idéias de negócios do que jamais poderia em seu trabalho diário, o trabalho árduo valerá a pena. Então vamos conversar ideias de negócio.
👋 E agora você já deve saber… uma das melhores ideias de negócios (de menor custo) com as quais você pode começar a trabalhar agora é lançar seu próprio blog. Por esse motivo, recentemente montei um guia mestre gratuito que detalha como iniciar um blog e compartilho as estratégias exatas que usei para transformar meu blog em um negócio de mais de US $ 40.000 / mês.
Quer o meu guia gratuito: Como iniciar um blog rentável em 7 dias?
Venha ler o meu melhor guia para blogs que foi apresentado em Forbes, Business Insider e Empreendedor.
Divulgação: Observe que alguns dos links abaixo são afiliados e, sem nenhum custo adicional, receberei uma comissão. Saiba que eu só recomendo ferramentas e recursos de aprendizado que eu pessoalmente usei e acredito que sejam realmente úteis, não por causa das pequenas comissões que eu faço se você decidir comprá-las. Acima de tudo, eu nunca defenderia comprar algo que você não pode pagar ou que ainda não está pronto para implementar.
A pergunta que mais faço (de longe) quando encontro e falo com colegas empreendedores é: "Como sei quais ideias de negócio são melhores para mim? "Este é sempre seguido rapidamente por" Como começo essa ideia de negócio paralelo enquanto ainda trabalho no meu emprego de tempo integral? "
Isso faz todo o sentido. Com quantas idéias de negócios já existem no mundo, pode ser difícil apresentar a ideia de negócios do lado certo em que você deve gastar seu tempo. Especialmente se você estiver procurando pelo tipo de ideia de negócio em casa que lhe proporcionará uma imensa flexibilidade no estilo de vida.
A maioria de nós não tem o luxo de deixar nossos empregos do dia a dia para iniciar uma idéia de negócios hoje, sem ter que se preocupar com o modo como cumpriremos nossas obrigações financeiras sem receita imediata.
É por isso que sou um grande defensor de sempre iniciar um negócio paralelo enquanto trabalha em período integral, para que você possa testar seu novo produto ou serviço, obter feedback, validar a ideia e começar a gerar renda antes de sair do emprego. Se você conseguir dominar a arte de escalar uma dessas idéias de negócios enquanto mantém seu emprego diário, não terá problemas em ter sucesso depois de trabalhar por conta própria.
Quando me proponho a iniciar novas idéias de negócios, sempre me certifico de que elas estejam alinhadas às minhas competências essenciais e aos meus interesses. Começa com o aprendizado de como descobrir seus pontos fortes como empreendedor, e é assim que eu me certifico de estar envolvido, mesmo quando as coisas estão difíceis. Aprendi isso da maneira mais difícil quando decidi iniciar um negócio freelancer há alguns anos para oferecer meus serviços de marketing de conteúdo freelancer.
A partir daí, você precisa aprender quais ferramentas, recursos e comunidades de feedback você pode usar para acelerar o ritmo em que é capaz de iniciar. Confira estes 101 ferramentas e recursos essenciais que utilizo para iniciar negócios lucrativos.
Com isso em mente, montei essa lista massiva de 101 melhores ideias de negócios paralelos que você pode começar enquanto trabalha em tempo integral, para ajudar a inspirar-se com idéias comprovadas de negócios paralelos que podem ser executadas enquanto você ainda mantém seu emprego diário e a principal fonte de renda.
O grande problema para muitos de nós é que trabalhar em um emprego de tempo integral o torna exaustivo demais para considerar tentar encontrar uma saída alternativa. Muitos dos empreendedores mais bem-sucedidos do mundo lutaram com isso quando queriam iniciar um negócio pela primeira vez enquanto ainda tinham um emprego diário.
Felizmente, existem várias maneiras de começar a trabalhar em uma ideia de negócio e ainda levar uma vida significativa e abrangente. Se você jogar bem suas cartas, poderá deixar o emprego diário e transformar sua ideia de negócio paralelo em uma carreira autônoma empoderadora.
Obviamente, algumas dessas idéias para pequenas empresas têm mais potencial de ganho do que outras, mas o que todas elas compartilham em comum são barreiras relativamente baixas à entrada e a flexibilidade de trabalhar com elas por um período limitado de tempo por semana. Também tentei focar em idéias paralelas de negócios que tenham algum tipo de componente on-line, já que é isso que eu mais amo.
Se eu perdi algumas boas, compartilhe suas melhores ideias de negócios paralelas nos comentários abaixo! Se você estiver pronto para iniciar um negócio enquanto ainda trabalha em período integral, participe do meu curso gratuito, Encontre uma ideia de negócio lucrativa.
Aqui estão minhas escolhas para o melhores idéias de negócios você pode começar agora mesmo enquanto trabalha em período integral.
101 melhores ideias de negócios paralelos para começar em 2020 (enquanto trabalhava em período integral)
1 Inicie um blog.
Pense que os blogs não são mais uma fonte viável de renda? Pense de novo. Estatísticas recentes de blogs mostram que dezenas de milhares de blogueiros (incluindo os seus de verdade) estão criando conteúdo lucrativo em tópicos tão diversos quanto scrapbooking, culinária caseira, viagens, cinema, estilo de vida, negócios, finanças pessoais e muito mais. E estamos transformando nossos blogs em empresas de seis dígitos, graças a uma combinação de assinantes de email, marketing de afiliados, patrocínios de blogs e outras fontes de receita. Seu primeiro passo na criação de um blog é resolver rapidamente o lado técnico das coisas (meu curso de mestrado gratuito em blogs mostrará como) e, então, entender o que seu público deseja e aprender a atrair esses leitores on-line.
Se você deseja acelerar o processo de lançamento do seu blog, recomendo configurar um site rápido, acessível e fácil com uma empresa como a Bluehost ou um dos outros melhores planos de hospedagem para blogueiros, escolher um tema simples do WordPress e trabalhar em seu site. primeira postagem - para definir o precedente de priorizar seu tempo na criação de conteúdo, conectar-se (e criar) seu público-alvo. Você também precisará empregar as ferramentas de blog certas para aumentar seu blog, e eu recomendo conferir o plug-in de marketing completo do HubSpot para WordPress.
Depois que você conseguir criar uma comunidade em torno do seu blog, você precisará investir realmente na compreensão de seus leitores - para poder dar a eles mais do que eles querem.
Sei em primeira mão que aprender a criar um blog (sem falar em ganhar dinheiro com blogs) pode ser um empreendimento novo e maciço.
Então, montei um curso de mestrado gratuito para você, que distribui todo o trabalho envolvido na criação de um blog, em uma série de lições cheias de ação. Meu curso gratuito divide todo o processo de iniciar um blog em um processo incrivelmente simples de 7 dias para ir do zero à geração de idéias criativas de postagem no blog, escrever uma postagem no blog, otimizar e promover o seu primeiro conteúdo em apenas 1 semana. Eu não posso recomendar o suficiente.
E se você quiser um tutorial detalhado sobre como colocar seu blog em funcionamento hoje, vá para o meu Guia definitivo para iniciar um blog depois navegue na minha lista dos melhores cursos de blogs.
Quer o meu guia gratuito: Como iniciar um blog rentável em 7 dias?
Venha ler o meu melhor guia para blogs que foi apresentado em Forbes, Business Insider e Empreendedor.
2. Design Gráfico.
Embora ter uma formação formal em design gráfico seja absolutamente útil, também é relativamente fácil aprender o fundações de design gráfico por si só. Um recurso cada vez mais fácil de usar Adobe Illustrator e ferramentas ainda mais facilmente acessíveis, como Stencil e Visme estão fazendo isso para que praticamente qualquer pessoa com dois polegares opositores, um pouco de criatividade e motivação possa ganhar uma receita paralela fazendo coisas como projetar (e vender) imagens como essas citações motivacionais que podem ser impressas em pôsteres e vendidos em plataformas como a Etsy . Ou você pode encontrar uma startup local, pequeno empresário ou fotógrafo que possa se beneficiar de alguma ajuda extra para projetar ou alterar imagens.
Mas antes de se formar com as idéias paralelas de negócios e começar a ganhar a vida em tempo integral como designer gráfico, você precisará desenvolver suas habilidades - recomendo começar lendo o livro fundamental Graphic Design School e Steal Like a Artist, o incrível livro de Austin Kleon sobre como se tornar mais criativo. Para acelerar sua educação para se tornar um designer gráfico ainda mais rápido, confira os cursos online Graphic Design Fundamentals e The Graphic Design Bootcamp. Depois que você for especialista em seu ofício, poderá aprimorar sua educação e passar a oferecer mais experiências práticas, como sprints de design para clientes de maior valor em todo o mundo.
Cursos recomendados:
3. Web Design.
Web designers são incrivelmente valiosos para empresas de tecnologia - e é por isso que se tornar um web designer freelancer é hoje uma das principais idéias de negócios. O design da Web tem tudo a ver com dominar a arte de criar uma experiência bonita e orientada por valor para as pessoas que usam um site ou aplicativo. Sempre existem novos sites que precisam de web design profissional, e livros fundamentais como HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites do aclamado designer Jon Duckett e Don't Make Me Think, da lenda da experiência do usuário Steve Krug, ajudarão você a começar o caminho certo para determinar rapidamente se um designer da web é ou não uma das idéias de negócios secundárias mais viáveis para você.
Em seguida, você poderá ingressar em cursos on-line mais acionáveis, como Modern Web Design no CreativeLive e Learn Web Design e Profitable Freelancing na Udemy, ensinando tudo, desde o conhecimento básico em design da web até a obtenção de sua primeira renda como freelancer como web designer. Além disso, você pode participar de cursos e experiências de aprendizado ainda mais envolventes, com acesso a feedback direto do instrutor e orientação pessoal em plataformas como Treehouse, LinkedIn Learning e Assembleia Geral para ficar ainda mais rápido com essa carreira e ouvir minha entrevista em podcast com Ian Paget sobre como se tornar um designer freelancer como uma ideia de negócio paralelo.
Cursos recomendados:
4. Desenvolvimento Web.
Como desenvolvedor da Web, você desenvolverá habilidades incrivelmente valiosas e com demanda extremamente alta. Você pode acelerar a criação de sites em apenas alguns meses com programas de educação on-line gratuitos ou baratos, como Treehouse, o Web Developer Bootcamp na Udemy e Codecademy.
Se você não encontrar o que procura, aqui está uma lista dos 45 melhores lugares que você pode aprender a codificar de graça. Depois de ter um conhecimento de HTML, Ruby, Python, Javascript ou CSS, você pode iniciar um negócio freelancer como uma ideia de negócio paralelo para criar seu portfólio enquanto ainda se mantém em seu emprego de tempo integral. Ouça a minha entrevista em podcast com Laurence Bradford sobre sua jornada para se tornar um desenvolvedor web freelancer também. E com o tempo, você construirá mais relacionamentos, terá mais experiência e, eventualmente, adotará esse tipo de ideia de negócio para se tornar uma fonte de renda em tempo integral.
Cursos recomendados:
5. Cursos Online.
Usar suas habilidades para obter lucro é uma tendência comum com todas as melhores idéias de negócios paralelas. Se você é especialista em alguma coisa, é provável que haja um público on-line disposto a pagar para se tornar um especialista em seu campo, assim como você. Se você deseja adquirir suas habilidades e transformá-las em um curso on-line que ensina outras pessoas a obter os mesmos resultados alcançados em sua vida, carreira ou negócio, comece com Como criar um curso on-line impressionante na Udemy, onde o instrutor Miguel Hernandez cobre como ele ganha mais de US $ 90.000 / ano ensinando on-line. Você aprenderá com mais de 8 horas de instruções em vídeo.
Se você deseja encontrar uma ideia lucrativa de curso on-line na próxima 3 dias, Participe do meu curso online gratuito Encontre uma ideia de negócio rentável hoje. Ele o guiará passo a passo pelo processo que usei para gerar mais de US $ 15.000 em vendas de cursos on-line em uma única semana. Então, quando estiver pronto para começar a ministrar seu próprio curso on-line, recomendo usar o Teachable, a plataforma mais fácil e acessível para criar, hospedar e vender seus cursos on-line. Eles também têm muitos recursos educacionais gratuitos sobre como começar a criar um curso on-line (sim, mesmo que seja uma das nossas principais ideias de negócios) quando você se inscreve aqui.
Cursos recomendados:
6. eBooks.
Empacotar suas habilidades e conhecimentos em um e-book para download que agregue valor àqueles que buscam aprender uma habilidade, avançar em suas carreiras ou iniciar seus próprios negócios, cria uma forte proposta de valor se você atingir o público certo (e é por isso que idéias de negócios sustentáveis para muitos autores). Uma aula que fiz com Tara Gentile no CreativeLive também mostrará como usar seu corpo de trabalho existente para escrever um eBook na próxima semana (mesmo começando com algo tão simples quanto um esboço de postagem de blog para iniciar o processo) e desativar um e-book sobre uma das idéias de negócios mais inteligentes em que você pode executar se tiver talento para escrever. Faça um trabalho sério com seu e-book, crie um público-alvo e você terá uma plataforma para apresentar aos editores tradicionais um contrato de livro - então você pode escrever um dos principais livros de negócios e realmente criar sua marca pessoal.
7. Marketing no Instagram.
Crie uma sequência na sua conta do Instagram e você poderá ser rapidamente abordado por grandes marcas, empresas de equipamentos e outras empresas relevantes que vendem produtos ou serviços relacionados ao tipo de conteúdo que você compartilha no Instagram - criando várias ideias de negócios secundárias em potencial que ir até você. Se você possui as habilidades de marketing certas e centenas de milhares de seguidores, pode cobrar facilmente entre US $ 500 a US $ 5.000 por postagem (ou mais) - o que gera idéias de negócios paralelas muito lucrativas. Depois de obter alguma tração, para reduzir a quantidade de tempo gasto no upload de imagens, você pode tornar todo o seu fluxo de trabalho mais eficiente, postando fotos do seu Mac ou PC.
8. Treinamento on-line.
Se você tem algo em que tem habilidades e é muito apaixonado, pode transformar essa combinação vencedora em oferecer seus serviços com treinamento on-line individual como uma das idéias de negócios paralelas mais confiáveis que alavancam suas habilidades. Apenas certifique-se de implementar seu próprio sistema de gerenciamento de oportunidades, para não se envolver em trabalhar com clientes que não podem ser mensuráveis. Elmira Strange lhe dará um plano passo a passo para colocar suas habilidades e experiência em prática, desenvolvendo um negócio de coaching on-line - mesmo como uma ideia de negócio paralela no período em que você trabalha em período integral -, portanto, verifique seu curso na Udemy para dar um salto nessa ideia de negócio paralela.
Além dos componentes de habilidade e experiência para ser um coach on-line de sucesso, essa ideia de negócio paralelo é criar uma comunidade em torno da ajuda que você está oferecendo e promover a confiança com os membros. Além disso, os membros da sua comunidade aprenderão um com o outro ao longo do caminho. Criar o espaço para essa comunidade pode ser tão simples quanto configurar um grupo privado no Facebook ou escolher uma plataforma de construção de comunidade como Ning.com que possui ainda mais recursos, como usar seu próprio URL personalizado, ter fóruns internos, designs personalizados e muito mais.
9. Podcasting.
Se você pode criar uma audiência regular para o seu podcast sobre um tópico específico, é uma ótima maneira de obter patrocinadores e financiar essa ideia de negócio paralelo. Meu podcast, The Side Hustle Project, na verdade, é uma das minhas idéias de negócios paralelas atuais em que estou trabalhando, e porque eu tinha uma audiência existente aqui no meu blog no momento em que lancei o programa, fui capaz de intermediar um patrocínio de US $ 5.000 do Freshbooks para colocar anúncios nos dez primeiros episódios antes de eu começar.
Quando eu trabalhava na CreativeLive, pagava regularmente de US $ 250 a US $ 500 (ou até Muito de mais dependendo do tamanho do público-alvo) por episódio, durante 90 segundos em anúncios em podcasts relevantes, como The Tim Ferriss Show, o podcast número 1 em negócios no momento do autor de 4 horas da semana de trabalho, Tim Ferriss. O podcast até ajudou Tim a lançar seu mais recente best-seller do New York Times, Tools of Titans, para um público mais amplo.
Naturalmente, ajuda se você já tem um público on-line, pode tocar para ouvir seu podcast regular (como eu fiz), mas isso não parou milhares de pessoas desde a criação de ideias de negócios paralelas bem-sucedidas em podcasts lucrativos - incluindo Alex Blumberg, fundador da Gimlet Media quem ensina como usar a narrativa e lançar um podcast. Você também pode conferir esta aula do podcaster e empresário Lewis Howes, sobre como ganhar dinheiro podcasting como uma ideia comercial paralela, que é transmitida regularmente gratuitamente no CreativeLive.
10. Revenda Amazon.
Qualquer pessoa pode vender mercadorias em Amazonas, desde que você tenha produtos para vender (ou comprar na baixa e depois revender). Se você é do tipo que atinge todas as vendas de garagem locais todo fim de semana, há todo tipo de coisas valiosas que podem ser revendidas on-line como idéias de negócios paralelas incrivelmente lucrativas. Se você deseja aprimorar seu jogo de vendas na Amazon, confira este guia detalhado para Arbitragem de varejo da Amazon e eBay no Entrepreneur, com uma entrevista com Julie Becker e vários remetentes que transformaram essa ideia de negócio em casa em uma ideia lucrativa.
11. Consultoria de negócios locais.
Se você desenvolveu valiosos conjuntos de habilidades ou certificações em seu setor ao longo dos anos, considere colocar suas habilidades em uso no seu tempo livre, oferecendo seus serviços de consultoria aos proprietários de empresas locais como idéias de negócios secundárias potencialmente lucrativas. Seja você um especialista em marketing, estrategista de negócios ou aficionado por manufatura, é provável que um empresário local esteja disposto a pagar para ajudá-lo a resolver um problema com a empresa - se você puder criar um e-mail frio eficaz que os convença a contratar você . Comece com isso Lista de verificação de 18 etapas para se tornar um consultor de negócios local como uma ideia paralela, de Karyn Greenstreet. Quando você estiver pronto para levar a sério o cargo de consultor, confira todas as minhas escolhas para obter os melhores cursos de negócios on-line para continuar desenvolvendo suas habilidades e aprendendo a conquistar seus primeiros clientes de consultoria. Pessoalmente, acho que essa é uma das melhores idéias de negócios com as quais você pode começar. hoje.
12. Negócio de capa de telefone.
Há um enorme mercado crescente de acessórios para celulares, e muitos vendedores artesanais estão reunindo 6 e, às vezes, 7 números de seus negócios de capas para celular. Você pode colocar seu próprio negócio de capa de telefone em funcionamento como uma ideia comercial paralela em questão de dias com soluções prontas para uso em Case Escape, minha empresa anterior, e agora você pode adquirir kits prontos para uso que oferecem tudo o que você precisa para iniciar um negócio de capa de telefone. Quando estiver em funcionamento, você poderá vender casos em Etsy, Amazon Handmadee Chique. Durante o nosso primeiro ano de venda de capas de telefone como uma de nossas idéias paralelas de negócios nossa loja Etsy, faturamos cerca de US $ 60.000 em receita apenas com esse canal de vendas - sem mencionar vendas adicionais de feiras, feiras, fornecedores de produtos promocionais, festas, eventos e outros mercados on-line. A partir daí, as vendas continuaram crescendo e passamos da ideia de negócio paralelo para empresa de tempo integral que eu dirigi com meu melhor amigo por vários anos.
13. Vendas somente comissionadas.
Se você tem talento para se conectar com as pessoas e está disposto a correr algum risco, uma função de vendas freelance baseada em comissão pode ser uma ótima ideia de negócio paralelo para você. Muitas startups buscam vendedores de meio período e apenas comissionados, especialmente quando estão começando, o que significa que você poderá fazer disso uma ideia de negócio em casa. Desenvolva seu estratégias de vendastorne-se um vendas internas representante e aperfeiçoe seu chamada fria habilidades do lado do seu tempo livre por nada além de comissão, negocie um pouco de capital e você poderá lucrar muito se estiver lançando um produto sólido e a startup for bem-sucedida. Comece sua educação em vendas com os aclamados livros Secrets of a Master Closer e To Sell is Human do famoso autor de best-sellers Daniel Pink e você estará no caminho certo para tirar essa ideia de negócio do lado de fora.
Depois, você pode seguir para uma educação de vendas mais imersiva por meio de cursos on-line, como Treinamento e Prospecção de Vendas na Udemy, O Guia de Propaganda e Venda de Clientes no CreativeLive. Quando estiver pronto para testar suas habilidades de venda, confira Angel List e veja se alguma oportunidade de posição de vendas está alinhada com seus interesses - a última coisa que você quer fazer é ficar sem vender produtos ou serviços nos quais não está interessado. No entanto, iniciando sua carreira de vendas como uma ideia paralela de negócios, isso oferece a você a flexibilidade de alterar facilmente os cursos, se necessário.
14. Vendas e marketing de afiliados.
Se você já possui um site direcionado para o tráfego direcionado, uma ótima maneira de gerar renda passiva com o conteúdo que você já está criando como uma ideia comercial fácil é através do marketing de afiliados. ShareASale, Rakuten, Clickbanke Skimlinkssão algumas das melhores redes e ferramentas de afiliados que podem ajudá-lo a ganhar dinheiro com o conteúdo que você já produz, ampliando assim a receita da sua ideia de negócio paralelo. Veja como passei do início de um blog para agora ganhar dinheiro com blogs (até US $ 50.000 / mês) com marketing de afiliados - para obter alguma inspiração sobre como você pode desenvolver um blog de ideias de negócios paralelas a empresa do tempo - e acompanho o crescimento do meu blog afiliado de projeto paralelo, SmartWP: tutoriais e conselhos sobre WordPress.
15. Assistente virtual.
Tem um talento especial para se manter organizado? Se você é um especialista em todos os negócios, considere trabalhar como assistente virtual como uma ideia de negócio paralelo. Você pode encontrar ótimos shows no Flexjobs, De fatoou Upwork. Pode ser uma maneira incrível de conviver com pessoas muito importantes, criar sua rede profissional, desenvolver novas habilidades sob demanda (como criar GIFs e Vídeos VR), aumente suas idéias de negócios paralelos e você terá a vantagem adicional de poder iniciar isso como uma ideia de negócios em casa. Tornar-se um assistente virtual pode ser uma ótima ideia de negócio paralelo, se você deseja viajar pelo mundo enquanto ganha dinheiro online como um nômade digital.
16. Preparação de imposto.
Não é o tipo de ideia de negócio paralelo que está coberta de glória, mas alguém precisa garantir que todos os números sejam somados no final do ano. Todas as empresas e a maioria das pessoas precisam de alguém com experiência no domínio para ajudar a preparar declarações fiscais, especialmente proprietários de pequenas empresas com tempo ou recursos. Majo Jacinto, em seu curso na Udemy, fornece um profundo conhecimento básico de como preparar declarações fiscais (e manter-se atualizado com as leis em constante mudança) que o certificarão com habilidades de preparação de impostos em apenas algumas horas de treinamento e prática. Depois que a temporada de impostos chegar, você poderá cobrar um média de US $ 229 por retorno como preparador de impostos freelance com esses tipos de ideias paralelas de negócios, de acordo com a CNBC.
17. Professor / tutor remoto de inglês.
acreditação é recomendado, desde que você seja um falante nativo, há pessoas em países como Hong Kong ou Emirados Árabes Unidos que estão dispostos a pagar mais de US $ 25 / hora para ensinar inglês a eles via Skype. De fato, Learn4Good e Remote.co muitas vezes tiverem trabalhos de tutoria remotos em inglês publicados, volte sempre. Depois que você conseguir esse trabalho remoto, precisará de um lugar mais profissional que a mesa da sala de jantar para se encontrar com os alunos - confira esta postagem sobre como encontrar lugares para trabalhar remotamente e você oficialmente formará essa ideia de negócio paralelo em um esforço de tempo integral para si mesmo.
18. SAT Tutor.
Se você tinha um talento especial para testes padronizados e não teve problemas para realizar o SAT, ACT ou outros exames universitários, por que não começar a dar aulas de ensino médio como uma ideia paralela aos negócios? Pais de todas as origens econômicas estão mais do que dispostos a desembolsar mais de US $ 100 / hora para o tutor certo, se isso significa que seu filho ou filha serão admitidos na faculdade ou universidade de sua escolha. Há muito trabalho em casa, ajudando as crianças com as tarefas de casa e transformando-as em idéias comerciais lucrativas que podem resistir ao teste do tempo.
19. Gerente de mídia social.
Às vezes, somos todos culpados de gastar muito tempo no Facebook, Twitter ou Pinterest; então, por que não ser pago para colocar seus conhecimentos em prática como uma ideia paralela? Muitas empresas, especialmente as iniciantes ou as de varejo e viagens - até os influenciadores têm forte presença nas mídias sociais e precisam constantemente de pessoas para ajudar a criar suas marcas on-line. Você pode encontrar esses tipos de oportunidades em sites como Flexjobs e Construtor de carreiras e a maioria dos empregadores nesses sites está condicionada a trabalhar com pessoas que operam esses serviços como sua ideia de negócio paralelo. Com o tempo, à medida que aumenta sua capacidade de alavancar vários canais sociais, você pode adicionar mais ofertas de serviços, como a execução de alto retorno Campanhas de anúncios no Facebook ou organizando concursos lucrativos de sorteios para as marcas com as quais você deseja trabalhar.
Crie seu próprio número de seguidores sociais e crie uma marca pessoal para você, como Matt Nelson, fundador do WeRateDogs (aumentando seu número de seguidores para mais de 2,8 milhões de pessoas), e inúmeras oportunidades surgirão para transformar esses tipos de ideias de negócios paralelas em um negócio em tempo integral.
20. Especialista em anúncios pagos do Google.
Se você conhece alguma coisa sobre marketing pago na Internet e se sente à vontade com o Google, uma ótima maneira de obter uma renda extra como uma ideia paralela é assinar um contrato freelance para gerenciar a empresa Campanhas de anúncios do Googlee comece gradualmente a atrair mais clientes à medida que sua empresa de consultoria cresce. Certifique-se de revisar todas as gírias comerciais e jargões da indústria que estão presentes no mundo do marketing on-line antes de se lançar despreparado nessa ideia de negócio paralelo.
21. Consultor de Design de Apresentação.
Sim, mesmo a apresentação do PowerPoint exige consultoria externa de vez em quando - especialmente se esse não é o seu forte. Sei que terceirizaria alegremente o layout visual dos meus decks de apresentação para reuniões de trabalho, propostas de investidores e palestras. Tobias Schelle de Deslizamentos é a prova viva de que você pode transformar suas habilidades no design de apresentações de slides em idéias comerciais legítimas - e, potencialmente, ganhar até US $ 20 por slide por seu tempo e talento.
22. Consultor de viagens.
Planeta solitário, por que não criar um nicho para si mesmo como agente de viagens particular? Crie consultoria de viagem em uma de suas idéias comerciais secundárias, começando com recomendações boca a boca de amigos que sabem que podem contar com você para os voos mais baratos, crie um grupo no Facebook ou LinkedIn para convidar pessoas que desejam ficar por dentro das últimas ofertas e, eventualmente, você pode transformar essa ideia de negócio em uma consultoria de tempo integral, ensinando as pessoas a tornar realidade a sua viagem dos sonhos.
23. Especialista em landing pages.
Se você tem jeito com as palavras, sabe como fazer pesquisa de palavras-chave e criar páginas de destino lindamente projetadas que seguem as melhores estratégias de SEO do blog, por que não cobrar de outras empresas por seus serviços e transformá-las em idéias de negócios paralelas para ganhar dinheiro? Mesmo uma página de destino curta vale algumas centenas de dólares na maioria dos casos, e muito mais se você souber apresentar bem seus clientes em potencial. Se você deseja iniciar sua ideia de negócio de se tornar um especialista em páginas de destino ou redator freelancer, confira o incrível curso de Len Smith e Sean Kaye sobre a Udemy, Segredos de Redação: Como escrever cópias que vendem.
24. Consultor de Design de Interiores.
Alguém lá fora está reformando sua cozinha e precisa saber qual tom de granito combinará melhor com o piso de mogno. Que alguém sempre terá prazer em pagar por seus conselhos, especialmente se você for o tipo de pessoa que assina sites como Contemporist e você tem a motivação para transformar esses tipos de idéias de negócios em uma empresa lucrativa.
25. Houseitter.
Não é exatamente uma maneira de ganhar um bom dinheiro consistente, mas o serviço de casa - exatamente como parece - é uma ideia de negócios incrivelmente fácil que pode financiar sua capacidade de viver em locais interessantes ao redor do mundo (ou sua cidade) sem pagar um centavo no aluguel . Eu mencionei que é uma maneira de viajar e viver sem aluguel? Aqui está uma lista de quatro ótimos sites from the legendary Nomadic Matt, to start your housesitting side business idea search.
26. Babysitter.
No, babysitting isn’t just for teenagers and college students. Quite on the contrary, if you call yourself an Au Pair instead, you can make some pretty good side money working nights and weekends with these kinds of business ideas if you don't mind the often odd hours.
27. Property Manager.
Know someone who rents out property to others? Perhaps they could use a hand managing their property. If so, you can make a decent amount of money on this side business idea with relatively little work on your part (most of the time). It'll take some hustling and the willingness to be flexible with your schedule, as you'll be responsible for collecting rent checks, managing repairs and improvements, and simply being on call for emergencies. But, a property manager is essential for most real estate investors that have a large enough portfolio, so there's definitely merit to this business idea.
28. Sell on Etsy.
Have a talent for crafting or creating other handmade goods? From bracelets to phone cases, rings, furniture, and more, Etsy is one of the world's largest independent marketplaces that’s perfect for anyone who is creative and willing to sell their handmade creations. As long as you have the space, this can make for one of the best home business ideas that can be started as a side hustle with a very limited investment. Consider these 5 steps to starting an Etsy store, from Handmadeology. Then, after you're able to build your brand and grow your own audience, you can start an eCommerce site of your own and retain a larger portion of the revenue from your product sales—making this a very lucrative potential business idea if you're able to find an audience that loves your products and figure out how to best sell online to them.
29. Ebay Sales.
Similar to selling on Amazon, eBay is a place to make money selling just about anything you can think of as a side business idea, with the added excitement of using the auction selling model to sometimes get way more than you expected for that antique baseball card you picked up at a local street fair. To turn your eBay selling into a legitimate business idea, look for opportunities where you can buy in-demand products at a discount—and later sell them for a profit. Eventually, you can even take the lessons learned from your eBay store and build a full on blog or eCommerce business like what the team over at Gear Hungry has done.
30. Fiverr Gigs.
Fiverr is a great place for first-time freelancers who might not have tons of experience and want to build up a portfolio of their work. You'll be able to complete simple tasks ranging from logo design, to creating animations, or even drawing a company logo on your forehead. While this side business idea likely won't be growing into a million dollar startup for you, it can still be a platform for funding one of your next big business ideas. Want to learn more about Fiverr's history and how to get the most out of selling on the platform? Listen to my interview with Fiverr CEO Micha Kaufman.
31. College Admissions Essay Editor.
If editing and advising college students on how to write compelling 500 word essays on topics such as "You were just invited to speak at the White House. Write your speech," seems like one of the more compelling business ideas to allocate your free time towards, trust me—tons of parents will pay you to edit admissions essays and offer constructive feedback for their children. Be careful not to blur the ethical line of actually writing their essays, but serving as an editor to help them convey their message can become a great side business idea that has the potential to spread by word-of-mouth referral in your community.
32. Portrait Photographer.
If you own a camera, starting a freelance portrait photography business could be a very natural way to turn your skills and passions into a profitable business idea. Start with doing free shoots for friends and family to build up a strong online portfolio, get familiar with your gear and the editing process, then you'll be able to get paid for photographing professional head shots and celebratory family moments as your side business idea. Get started by checking out this men's portrait photography class that regularly broadcasts for free on CreativeLive. Plus, once you have all the gear for your photography business, you can earn a little extra side income by renting it out when you're not using it through online marketplaces like Fat Lama.
33. Wedding Photographer.
Wedding photographers command premium rates. After all, you are capturing one of a couple's most important life moments, making it a muito lucrative side business idea. Many professional wedding photographers charge between $2,500 - $10,000 (or more) to shoot a wedding, so it's realistic that this side business idea could quickly blossom into becoming a full-time endeavor with the right happy clientele base that's willing to refer you to their friends and family. Check out the Complete Wedding Photography Experience over on CreativeLive to get up to speed on everything you need to launch a successful wedding photography business.
34. Online Dating Consultant.
Believe it or not, some people have such a difficult time with dating, that they don’t even want to participate in the online (or app-based) component of it. If you’re a smooth talker, why not leverage that skill into becoming a paid match maker as a side business idea? People are paying.
35. Writing Erotic Fiction.
Werewolves, step-brothers, and tentacles—the demand is high. As odd as it may sound, if you’ve got the imagination (and a clever pseudonym), you can make upwards of $5,000 a month writing erotic fiction in your free time as a side business idea.
36. Writing Greeting Cards.
Fancy yourself a poet? Você pode earn $300 for every poem you write that this greeting card company publishes—not bad as far as side business ideas go, if you've got a way with words and aren't afraid of rejection on poems that aren't a good fit.
37. WordPress Website Consultant.
Countless small businesses start out their web presence using a WordPress website (myself included) with one of the best web hosting plans to power it, before needing to upgrade to other solutions for various reasons. Many of them will pay several hundreds of dollars for someone to get their business ideas set up online. If you have the patience to learn how to start a blog yourself, it's an extremely valuable skill and can be turned into a very lucrative side business idea even if you're just starting with one of the best WordPress themes and customizing it for clients—especially if you sign up for affiliate programs with companies like Kinsta, who offer high quality managed WordPress hosting plans that allow you to collect fees from the clients you refer their way. Consider an additional service offering to your clients by executing on a carefully curated digital marketing strategy that goes beyond just setting up their website, and into actually generating traffic to it. Plus, with the skills you pick up from this side business idea, you'll be able to spin up other profitable website ideas like my friend Andy's been able to do with his site, AwesomeStuffToBuy.
38. Drive for Uber or Lyft.
Driving for one of the two globally expanding app-centric taxi alternative services, Uber or Lyft can still be a fairly lucrative way to earn money as a side business idea on nights and weekends—working only when you want. But before you dive head first into this side business idea, do your homework and calculate the costs of extra gas, mileage, tires, wear & tear and usage on your vehicle—it's not one of the best guaranteed business ideas that'll turn a significant profit every weekend, though.
39. Rent Your Car on Turo.
If you own a car but barely use it, you can make some easy cash as an effortless side business idea by renting it out on Turo. Before you freak out, know that there’s a $1 Million insurance policy on all cars, plus drivers are prescreened, so you can have peace of mind. Closely related to renting out your car is another new service I recently came across (available only in the UK at the moment) called YourParkingSpace where you can sign up to list your available parking space through the app, and earn when people decide to use your spot.
40. Art Collector.
EatWith is a great way to test the waters as a chef for your side business idea, and if you have enough rave reviews you might be able to turn your knife skills into a full-time endeavor where you're leveraging your network to book catering events. This side business idea is built heavily upon getting happy referrals, so be sure to over-deliver for your first customers, and ask if they know anyone else who could be in need of your catering services.
42. Develop an App.
Sometimes it seems like there’s an app for everything. Yet somehow, new ones keep popping up and selling for lots of money, all the time. If you spot a niche that hasn’t been filled to its potential just yet, and you can learn the coding skills (or know someone who already has them), you could be on to something with this side business idea. Today, it's even possible to build an app without any coding skills whatsoever. Apenas certifique-se de validate your app idea before jumping too far in. Even if your app business idea doesn't pan out to be a best-seller, you'll still pick up valuable skills.
Listen to my interview with serial entrepreneur and investor, Michele Romanow about how she built an app that earned $500,000 in 3 months (as a side business idea outside of her day job) and how she eventually sold the company to Groupon. It's seriously incredible.
Want to find a profitable niche business idea esta semana? Join my free online course Find a Profitable Business Idea hoje.
You don’t need to have a degree in journalism to be a reporter these days (and pursue this business idea as a work from home job). Plus, there are many news websites that can always use a bit of help on getting local coverage. Some of them, such as The Examiner ou HuffPost, will compensate contributors based on ad revenue generated per article written—a great incentive to provide compelling content to news organizations as your side business idea.
44. Patent Something.
This side business idea isn't for most, but consider Kia Silverbrock who has been granted over 4,665 US Patents in his lifetime (so far). You don’t have to invent the wheel to make good money from your patented concepts—just make sure that your idea can be produced affordably, or it will never stand up against a lawsuit in the future.
45. Buy and Sell Domain Names.
Domain name trading has been around for the last couple decades, and while most slam-dunk names have long been sold off (Insure.com went for $16 Million in 2009) there’s still plenty of others that you can get your hands on for relatively cheap and broker as your side business idea. But beware: some experts doubt the long-term viability of this business idea, so you shouldn’t quit your day job just to put all your effort into this one without some successes already in the bag. If you know how to name a blog the right way, you could even buy a good name today, with an affordable monthly hosting plan, and sell it one day in the future as the right buyer comes along.
46. Start a Popup Shop.
While the barriers to entry for a retail shop can be very high, one way to keep costs down and limit your time investment while you keep your full-time job, is to set up a weekend popup shop as a side business idea. More of whatever it is you’re selling—donuts, clothing, antique baseball cards, or anything else—will stay in your pockets instead of going to pay for operating expenses such as rent or utilities by choosing to pursue retail as a side business idea with a short-term rental. This guide from Shopify will give you a step-by-step process for getting your popup shop off the ground.
47. Brew Your Own Beer.
Like drinking beer? Why not try making it yourself as your side business idea? With enough patience and skill you might end up brewing something that others are willing to pay to drink. Pick up an easy-to-use starter kit from Mr. Beer online, invest the time it'll take to perfect your craft, make a unique brew and start shopping it around to friends & family to see what they think of this side business idea.
48. Freelance Proofreading and Editing.
travel the world as a digital nomad. You can find lots of job postings from companies and individuals in need of writing, proofreading, and editing services on Contena, which makes this a high-demand side business idea.
49. Buy Used Electronics and Refurbish Them.
Many people give up on their faulty laptops, mobile phones, or cameras without even looking into the cause of their malfunctions. If you have the skills to fix them, consider pursuing this side business idea of refurbishing and reselling used electronics in your free time.
50. Data Analysis.
Got a thing for numbers? Plenty of companies need to hire talented contractors who are good at data analysis, making this a potentially lucrative side business idea if you have the right credentials and experience. Platforms like Upwork e Digiserved are but a two of many websites that are great for freelancers with an analytical prowess, looking for extra work as a side business idea around their full-time jobs.
51. Acquire Parts from Electronics Stores.
Believe it or not there's a treasure trove of valuable items being thrown away by big box stores around the world. Electronics stores toss out everything from printer cartridges to tablets, and if you’ve got the stomach for rummaging around in dumpsters you can easily earn a bit (more than you ever thought possible) with this side business idea.
52. Freelance Writing & Copywriting.
Every website owner (including myself) hires copywriters to write content for things like about pages, FAQ's, or blog posts. Hourly wages for novice copywriters are not very high, but with some experience and a growing portfolio, you can become a freelance writer today and soon be charging more than you make at your full-time job if you find the right clients and brand yourself as an expert with this side business idea. Check out one of my most talented friends, Jory Mackay, for an example of someone who's doing a great job of positioning himself as a premium service-provider with his freelance writing side business idea. Then when you're ready to start cold emailing potential clients, pick up my free downloadable freelance proposal template and get started today.
53. Licensed Product Distributor.
It doesn’t happen overnight, but licensing a foreign product for sale domestically, can be one of the most lucrative business ideas that (at times) leads to a big payoff down the road. Invest intelligently, sell a product you believe in, and you can reap the rewards for years to come.
54. Fill Out Online Surveys.
It’s not very engaging, or mentally stimulating, but taking online surveys through companies like Survey Junkie, User Interviews and InboxDollars do pay out (a little), believe it or not. Payouts come in the form of PayPal, check or sometimes Amazon gift cards, but if you've got the idle time—then sites like Survey Junkie, User Interviews and InboxDollars might be a good way to spend some of your down time. Just don't expect to make bank with this side business idea—I recommend combining it with another source of side income from this list of my best business ideas, and turning to surveys in your downtime when you need a little extra income.
55. Airbnb Host.
Airbnb a great way to make money by renting out your spare bedroom or living room couch as a legitimate home-based business idea, but you also have the benefit of meeting new people and making new friends if that's your kind of thing. You can even rent out an entirely new apartment just to manage as an Airbnb side business idea, but don't make the mistake of thinking this will be a passive source of income—you're on call whenever you have a guest and you'll always need to keep the place clean for incoming visitors. On top of just renting on Airbnb, you can take this business idea to the next level by offering your guests add-on and personalized experiences for an extra charge. Take Lauren Gheysens' Airbnb-based side business idea, Royal Day Out in London, England for example—where she gives visiting tourists a local's only tour of the city, complete with bespoke 18th century costumes.
56. Personal Fitness Trainer.
If you’re a fitness buff and have the right combination of charisma and business sense, working as a part-time personal trainer as a side business idea can be both physically and financially rewarding. Once you build up a reputation and client base for yourself, it could easily turn into a full-time endeavor for you. Verificação de saída these tips to a successful personal training business by the American Fitness Professionals and this interview with several fitness blog owners who are making a living online, from MonetizePros. Finally, I'd recommend checking out this resource if you want to take this business idea seriously and get started with a business plan for your personal fitness trainer business hoje.
57. Yoga or Meditation Instructor.
Yoga is getting ever more popular, which means yoga instructors are more in demand than ever—making this another of our most physically rewarding side business ideas. Link up with a local yoga studio to teach nightly classes or offer personalized yoga in-home at a higher rate to pursue this kind of emotional and physical balance with others, during your free time while helping your bank balance, too.
58. Start a YouTube Channel.
Yes, spending time on YouTube can be a legitimate business idea if you take it seriously. If you can create value-driven, entertaining video content and grow your subscriber base to a few thousand subscribers, your videos can start generating pretty substantial income from all the ads being displayed on your videos. Many YouTube users make well into the millions each year, so there's clear potential to take this from side business idea to eventual millionaire with the right combination of content, audience, skills, relationships and timing. If you’re considering starting a YouTube channel it’s important use best practices when making videos. Read the YouTube playbook for tips which will result in faster growth of your channel. Additionally think about investing in a quality camera and microphone since the production quality of videos can often affect your viewership.
59. Translator.
If your mastery of another language is good enough to have the grammar and spelling down, translating is a great side business idea to set up for yourself and can even be done remotely. Flexjobs has literally hundreds of freelance, remote translator jobs available right now and if you're looking to land more remote work on the side of your other pursuits, then browse through these remote jobs websites to find the right opportunities for you.
60. Tour Guide.
Erik from Vantigo. He was starting his VW van tour business in San Francisco as just a side business idea while he was still working a full-time job, and grew it to being a sustainable source of full-time income before quitting—now he's running a multiple van tour company on the back of what originally began as a crazy side business idea.
61. Music Instructor.
Do you play a musical instrument well enough to teach it to others? How about taking your skills at producing music or sound design and teaching others as a service-based business idea based on your experience? Private music instructors in all disciplines charge upwards of $20-100/hr (or more depending upon skill and experience), and you don’t necessarily have to do them in person, either. This makes for a great side business idea that can channel your passion for music into profits.
62. Stock Photographer.
If you have a fondness for taking pictures of smiling families or laughing children blowing bubbles, consider becoming a stock photographer and selling your images to a stock photo company like Unsplash, ShutterStock e iStockPhoto as a side business idea. You’ll get royalties every time someone licenses an image you’ve submitted. To really be successful, build your own photography website to be able to showcase your portfolio and start getting higher-paid private corporate work.
63. Ghostwriter.
Ghostwriting pays pretty well, and if you're talented at researching and creating great content within a certain subject domain, you can quickly build a roster of high-paying clientele with these kinds of business ideas. Ghostwriters like Jeff Haden have created very lucrative careers for themselves by writing for business executives and CEO's—and Jeff also started his ghostwriting career as a side business idea outside of his full-time job as a factory manager. Listen to his interview with me on The Side Hustle Project (podcast) right here. It's a grind getting to a place where you can earn a full-time living from ghostwriting, but if you stick with it and bounce back from your defeats, you'll make it.
64. Online Subcontracting.
Once you’ve established yourself in any number of freelance verticals online, spending your time focusing just on doing inside sales (booking freelance contracts with high-value clients) and then subcontracting your work out to other freelancers can help significantly grow your client list, and revenue generating possibilities with this business idea.
65. DJ-ing.
Take the time to develop your skills at either making your own music, or becoming a pro at mixing, and your side business idea of dj-ing local events could turn into a much bigger endeavor. Though you'll first need to command a solid knowledge of sound design, mixing and music production before expecting to land your first gig with this business idea, as developing an entirely new skill set is not for the faint of heart.
66. Clothing Alterations and Tailoring.
Fashion, style, and grooming continue to be a lucrative side business idea that can be done in your hours outside of work. If you know how to mend clothes, then you have a growing market of budget-conscious and/or personalization-obsessed customers. Entrepreneur says you need around two thousand dollars to start a decent side business idea in this niche but there’s no harm in starting smaller and growing from there, as long as you can make magic with needle and thread.
67. Teach DIYs.
Nothing beats teaching more novice learners about your passion, hobby, or craft as a business idea (that's a common theme here). Explore dozens of DIY portals (such as DIY.org, DIY Network, Instructables e Mahalo) to get business ideas on how to earn a healthy side income just by showing others how to do the things you love. You can also sift through the countless ad-supported YouTube channels naquela teach just about anything from guitar strumming to 3D printing.
68. Baking.
It’s funny how much baking can translate into different types of business ideas that make money. Start bringing in some side income by kneading flour, mastering the oven, and appeasing everyone’s sweet tooth. While some experts have already turned baking into their sole “bread and butter,” you need not leave your day job to pursue this business idea just yet. Depending on your experience, you can start by doing something simple on the side like perfecting grandma’s nostalgic cookies before heading on to offer exquisite artisanal fare.
69. Being a Task Rabbit.
If you don’t mind doing other people’s chores, then TaskRabbit may be the right side business idea for you. Earn a little side money doing odd jobs like walking your neighbor’s dog or mowing Mr. Smith’s lawn. Running errands not your style? Tell that to the top taskers on the portal who reportedly earn as much as $7000 a month, making this a full-time business idea for some.
70. Freelance Content Marketing.
From personal experience as a freelance content marketer, I can vouch for the profitability in this industry. I grew my side hustle into a $160,000/yr business before quitting my day job to pursue this business idea full-time; all you need is the right skills and experience to back it up. With startups, established brands, and even notable influencers needing to build credibility and grow their brands, professionals who can serve up compelling content enjoy a huge demand for their services. And, since brands will always need high quality content to bring in new customers, your skills will always remain an asset to invest in—especially since the nature of creating a content marketing strategy is an ever-evolving one. Start by tapping into your existing network with this business idea and begin tracking down local small business owners who could benefit from your marketing tactics, do a bang up job, ask for referrals and grow from there to the point where you're doing things like guest blogging and blogger outreach and spreading out to a wider market.
71. Freelance Ebook Writing.
If you’ve always wanted to publish your own book as a side business idea, there never been a better time than now. That’s because access to self-publishing tools and marketplaces has never been easier and more affordable. This eBook writer currently earns up to a couple of thousand bucks each month from six ebooks she published; while you can reportedly demand around $1000 per eBook project serving as a ghostwriter. My good friend, Caroline Beaton used freelance writing as her side business idea to eventually go from secretary to self-employed, while focusing on her own personal development and looking inward to discover what she's truly passionate about.
72. Investing Your Money.
If you keep your money hidden in the attic or earning close to nothing in a savings account, you might want to consider putting it to better use through smarter stock investing as one of your side business ideas to keep slowly working on. Sure, there are plenty dangers to look out for, but most personal finance experts will advise you to start learning about the stock market if you want to grow your wealth, and to avoid jumping too heavily into trends like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies without proper understanding.
73. Investing Others' Money.
Incidentally, helping others grow their wealth is also a good way to grow your own financial worth as a side business idea. If you have stock market and finance credentials, then you can earn freelance commissions or consulting fees, advising clients on how to get the best returns for their investments as a lucrative side business idea if you can get results for those clients—otherwise this business idea can be the fast-track to alienating friends and family, so be careful.
74. Accounting and Bookkeeping.
Many small companies and startups now outsource jobs that aren’t part of their core business (such as HR, admin, and accounting), which makes this skill set a great opportunity for starting a side business idea that engages your number prowess. Because companies always need to track their cash flow, freelance accountants and bookkeepers can really benefit from the increasing demand for part-time help.
75. Building a Niche Website.
Find an audience for your passion or hobby and you’re all set to monetize something you love via learning how to make a website in a clever blog niche as a side business idea. That of course, is easier said than done, something not intended for the faint of heart. Prepare to invest a lot of your time in choosing from the best website builders and learning what a blog is, but if you can hurdle the steep challenges and positively answer a few key questions on whether the website business ideas you’re thinking about can make money, then you can begin building it.
76. Car Washing and Detailing.
A lot of car owners simply don’t have time to personally care for their vehicles, much less make them sparkle. With simple equipment such as car shampoo, polishing wax, tire black, sponges, a pail and a sturdy hose, you can start earning a decent side income by making cars look fresh in your free time after work and on weekends. Not bad for an easy business idea that'll keep you outdoors and moving your body on the weekends.
77. Caregiving.
To be clear, providing care for the elderly often requires a broader set of credentials (as it should) so this business idea isn't one most people can get started with this weekend. These credentials may include licenses, training certificates, business permits, and tax forms depending on which state you wish to operate, the level of care you intend to provide, and whether you plan on running a formal business or just hiring yourself out as an independent worker as a side business idea. If you’re already giving unpaid care to an elderly relative or friend, you may want to review Medicaid provisions for some compensation. In all cases, you need genuine affection for the elderly, a lot of common sense, and good knowledge of first aid, CPR, and elderly care basics to excel with this side business idea.
78. Carpet Cleaning.
Carpets make your home warm and cozy. But they also tend to gather dust, grime, stains, allergens and bugs over time. You can tap into this opportunity by launching a carpet cleaning side business idea or serving as an independent contract cleaner in your free time. Either way, you’ll need to invest in proper equipment such as vacuum cleaners, carpet brushes, and cleaning chemicals in order to launch this business idea. Look into the possibility of renting equipment for a full weekend and lining up 5-10 clients to service, to offset your rental costs. If you turn a healthy profit, you'll eventually be able to invest in owning your own equipment and increase your margins, thus going from side hustle to serious business.
79. House Cleaning.
If you want to broaden your services and earn more, you can opt to make the entire house look neat and clean with this side business idea. House cleaning services cover carpets, floors, lawns, garages, windows, walls, and roofs, requiring a whole range of cleaning tools. You can hire maids and janitors to do the actual cleaning while you handle sales, administrative and customer service tasks. Or, you can start small by actually getting your hands dirty as a contractor, learning on the job before launching your own cleaning operations with the help of cleaning business management tools like Swept. Beyond that, I'd recommend checking out Cleaning Zoom's ultimate guide to starting a cleaning business if you plan on taking this business idea seriously—and be sure to have ready access to this checklist to ensure nothing flies under the radar on you cleaning appointments.
80. Child Care.
Many families with kids, including single-parents, have very limited time resources, creating a demand for part-time child care providers (and a business idea opportunity for you). If you love kids and have some spare time, you can earn plenty of side income by looking after children while their parents are away. Just be sure to identify the particular age group you're comfortable caring for and you’re all set after any necessary certifications. Establishing a home-based daycare center capable of servicing six or more kids is also a lucrative way to really expand upon these kinds of business ideas if you have the right environment for it.
81. Computer Repair.
Employed techies planning to earn some extra side income can leverage their software and hardware skills by offering home-based computer repair services as a business idea that engages their passion. If this rings a bell, you can start with a modest one-man tech team before envisioning a scaled-up operation as massive as Geek Squad. Remember, you can provide home service locally as a starting point to this business idea, as well as offer remote support through online messaging and video calling services before making your way into a retail setting.
82. Modeling.
If you've got the attitude (and look), there should be a product or service out there on the hunt for the right model to promote their brand as a side business idea. You can sign up with a large agency, find a freelance agent, or look for your own modeling gigs as an independent talent. Since modeling is a complex field, get all the advice you need before jumping right in and find a mentor who can guide you through some of the early challenges it'll take to establish your brand. Depending on your preference, you can specialize in a single media format such as video or still images, to build a compelling portfolio and grow this into a business idea that has the potential to scale.
83. Computer Training and Lessons.
Everyone (even kids and retirees) need to have some level of technical know-how to stay competitive and appreciate the marvels of the digital age. Just observe how learning sites like Codecademy and Treehouse and continue to grow and you’ll understand the urgency of getting computer training for our generation (thus making great business ideas to train others if you already have the skills). If you’re a techie, you can cash in on this need by offering lessons and tutorials within your neighborhood or across cyberspace through portals like YouTube or Udemy as a side business idea. You can even set up your own tutorial site with an interface for online payments.
84. Contract Customer Service.
Some firms outsource their customer service operations and many of these companies accept home-based contractors. You can start by signing up on freelancing sites such as Upwork to test the waters with this business idea first. If you’re already a CSR specialist with management skills, then you can form and lead a virtual team online and engage clients as a bona fide customer service company or provide customer service training to such teams as well as individuals.
85. Dog Walking.
Dogs are amazing. But, owners aren’t always at home to take them for a walk. If you’re a canine fan like I hope you are, this great side business idea can net you a regular profit by just taking some adorable pups for a stroll around the park. With 70% of Americans having pets in their homes, dog walking services have become a thriving industry in some U.S. cities. In fact, there’s already an aplicativo called Wag that links up dog walkers who want to exercise this business idea with the pet owners who need a helping hand.
86. Real Estate Sales Consultant.
o real estate market is on the rebound (for today) and people are buying and selling properties in many locations across the U.S. That means a lot of opportunities for professionals who know how to navigate the legal, financial, and commercial aspect of real estate to build up a stable of clients as a side business idea, especially if you begin to scale your sales hiring and build a team of reps working to help you close more deals. If you consider yourself an expert in the subject, it won't be a walk in the park (hehe), but you can earn significant additional side income as a home-based real estate consultant—especially if you employ one of the best CRMs for small business and know how to work magic over the phone.
87. Making Custom Furniture.
Turning your favorite craft or hobby into a revenue-generating business idea easily counts among the most fulfilling experiences anyone can have. With more and more people demanding a higher degree of personalization in just about anything they own or use, count yourself lucky if your craft happens to be the creation of custom furniture. Not only is the real estate sector regaining its footing, the number of style-conscious customers is also on the rise, creating plenty of room for growth into these kinds of handy business ideas.
88. Making Handmade Jewelry.
There are at least three teenage entrepreneurs who’ve already earned astonishing amounts of money by launching hand-made jewelry business ideas: M3 Girl Designs’ Maddie Bradshaw, Bella Weems of Origami Owl, e as girl behind DesignedByLei. Com o industry set to shine in the near term via a brisk annual growth rate of 5-6%, the market is ripe for new entrants to this business idea who can offer sparkling new takes on how to craft appealing handmade goods.
89. Being a Gigwalker.
Earning money on GigWalk is similar to working on Task Rabbit—not a bad side business idea if you've got the free time. You get to choose from an amusingly diverse range of jobs from taking snapshots of restaurant menus to counting the items arrayed on supermarket racks. It won’t make you rich though, with payouts tending to congregate in the lower half of their $3-to-$100 range. But, if you're looking for a steady little side business idea, it can't hurt doing a strange but fun errand and getting a tip at the end. When you’re bored or a little short on cash, you can access GigWalk anytime, anywhere via their mobile app. Meanwhile, all the jobs specifically vetted for you will be within reach (ideally, just a brisk walk away).
90. Home Appraisal.
UMA real estate appraisal business can be operated from home, on a part-time basis, making for a fun side business idea if you have the credentials to back it up. A perfect option if you want to keep your day job while earning a little extra on the side. You won’t need a college degree to start in on these kinds of business ideas either, but you’ll need bankable appraiser credentials (including relevant training and professional licenses), strong knowledge of the sector, and a growing network of industry players including mortgage brokers, real estate agents, banks, and fellow appraisers that'll want to utilize your services.
91. Human Billboard.
If you don’t mind parading yourself around in public places as a side business idea, and enjoy a little attention, then working as a human billboard can pay a surprising amount of dividends. Renting out your beard, for example can earn you as much as $5 a day while having a brand logo tattooed on your shaven head for five years could pay as much as $7,000—though this type of earning opportunity is admittedly rare. This business idea is definitely not for the faint of heart, and is a little extreme for me, but nonetheless it's been done as a side hustle for many people, even some having done it to pay their college tuition fees. You can start by holding a placard or wearing a sandwich board. If you think this is a good side business idea, you can go all the way and turn it into a full on small business idea with enough hard work—plus you won't have to deal with all the issues other more complex businesses have to constantly think about (like reducing churn)
92. Purchasing an Existing Website.
Websites aren't too dissimilar to stocks. Many are junk, but some can generate value for you, making it a strong potential business idea if you have an eye for spotting the diamond in the rough That’s why, like stocks, they are bought and sold all the time. You can buy and sell websites as a side business idea in the hope of generating future earnings based on their user traffic, current revenue intake, domain name, or some other factors that might be a hidden cash cow everyone else has overlooked. Interessado? Check out marketplaces like Flippa e FE International to learn more.
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We all wear clothes (at least some of the time). Which, of course, makes the business idea of cleaning soiled laundry an obvious hit. In fact, the self-service laundromat industry in the US is worth more than $3 billion, with many related businesses such as a mobile app laundry service, a real rolling mobile laundry service, and home laundry pickup & delivery services springing up each year. Cash in on this trend as a side business idea.
94. Junk Removal Service.
As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another’s treasure. Without people cleaning up everybody else’s junk, the world would be a lot messier than it already is. These kinds of business ideas might not be glamorous, but you get to make the world a cleaner place while earning extra side income. To start, you’ll likely need a sturdy second-hand truck and standard equipment like shovels, wheelbarrows, sledgehammers, rakes, and garbage cans to launch the foundation of this side business idea.
95. Becoming a Notary Public.
Public notaries primarily serve as validators of, and impartial witnesses in public legal documents, especially those related to affidavits, oaths, deeds, estates, special-powers-of-attorney, and business agreements. Depending on the state, a full-time notary public earns an average annual salary of $36,000, which makes it a great business idea to do as a side hustle as you bring in money through other ways. If you want to get started with this business idea, here are the requirements and steps you need to consider in the US.
96. Wedding Planning.
Like birthdays, marriages happen all the time. Which means you can treat weddings as a recurring fountain of business opportunities: wedding dresses and coats, jewelers, food caterers, venue providers, photographers and videographers, performers, flower shops, travel agencies, souvenir crafts, and a host of other ventures. Now imagine if you can form a network of these service providers so you can offer engaged couples a range of hassle-free wedding packages as a turnkey business idea. o process is certainly fun (and time-consuming), but as a side business idea, the pay can be pretty great.
97. Event and Party Planning.
Being a wedding specialist works well for top-notch players, but being a generalist also has its benefits. Event and party planners leverage their network of service providers to cover not only weddings, but also seminars, corporate events, birthdays, baptisms, concerts, conferences, holiday parties, and other events, making it a relatively diverse business idea. Here are some tips if you want to run a part-time event planning business at home as one of our more fun side business ideas. And here’s a very honest look into the upside and downside of the trade.
98. Becoming a Personal Chef.
Busy schedules can stress people out. It can also disrupt family life to the point that busy parents and homework-laden kids barely have time to prepare decent dinners and weekend meals. Hence, the surprising demand for part-time family chefs as a business idea. If cooking healthy and delicious meals is your thing, then this is one of the more lucrative side business ideas that can supplement your regular income by helping feed busy homes. Hear Gaby Dalkin's story of going from side business idea to full-time blogger while she was a part-time personal chef right here on my podcast.
99. Pet Sitting.
I mean come on, who wouldn't be interested in business ideas that let you spend time with puppies? Getting paid to take care of a cute pup sounds like a dream. The prevalence of unattended pets is another side effect of busy life, creating job business ideas and opportunities for people with time, patience, and affection to spare. Just check out DogVacay e Rover to see what I mean. Would the payout be worth it if you try? One person in New York earns $3,300 a month just pet-sitting for busy animal lovers as his side business idea.
100. Pet Grooming.
If that isn’t enough, you can expand your services to include pet grooming as an extra side business idea. To do that, you'll need to have relevant training, an operating license depending on your location, and pet grooming equipment. According to PayScale, pet groomers have an average salary range of $17,600 to $48,500. Not bad as a side business idea if you can find a way to get in most of your clients on the weekends.
101. Pool Cleaning.
Spending a leisurely afternoon in a swimming pool can be a lot of fun. But cleaning it can be a pain in the neck. Hence, most pool owners hire people to do the cleaning for them. If you need extra cash and don’t mind getting physical, then pool cleaning is a viable side business idea for you.
We've got more business ideas...
I've been getting so much feedback with great business ideas from my community and in the comments, so I frequently add to this post. If you have side hustle ideas you'd like to share (or personal experience with a side hustle of your own), please add to them in the comments below!
102. Private Labeling and Selling Products on Amazon.
Counted amongst the most valuable tech giants, Amazon is also a massive global market where virtually anyone can cash in on the rising tide of eCommerce if you have the right business idea. But, like everything else that involves money, you have to do quite a bit of work to earn it. In this case, you need to do tons of research (looking for generic products such as clocks, key chains and mugs to attach your brand to) as well as developing a sensible inside sales strategy that'll help you generate profits from your private label side business idea. For an incredible deep dive on how to launch this kind of business idea, check out how digital marketer Neil Patel recently did this as a public experiment over on his blog.
Want to find profitable niche business ideas esta semana? Join my free online course Find a Profitable Business Idea hoje.
103. Officiating Recreational Sports Games.
Do you love sports? Officiating non-professional games held at community parks and college sport fields can be an exciting way to turn your love for outdoor activities into one of the most fun and physically rewarding profitable side business ideas you can engage in during your nights and weekends.
104. Selling on TeeSpring.
T-shirts can be a viable path toward creating an automated side business idea that makes money for you while you sleep. Até Bloomberg e Forbes feature stories from entrepreneurs who've done just that. Bring business ideas like this to life by setting up a simple store on TeeSpring, coming up with a few novel designs, creating some targeted t-shirt mockups and working hard to drive traffic to your store.
105. Build Custom Software for Freelance Clients.
Software drives businesses today. This is a fact not lost on individuals and companies attempting to earn a profit, make a name for themselves, or simply get things done. As a result, the job outlook for software developers will be much sunnier than prospects for many other occupations—creating massive opportunities for these kinds of business ideas well into the future. In fact, it won’t take you long to find a good-paying software development project as a side business idea on sites like Upwork, Guru.com e Freelancer. LinkedIn also recently launched their brand new freelancing platform, ProFinder which has a dedicated section just for hiring talented software developers.
106. Coaching Sports Teams.
Nothing beats playing your favorite game. But getting paid for coaching a sports team and staying close to the action is the next best thing. Not only will you learn new skills, you’ll earn money getting your team into shape with this side business idea. o median pay for sports coaches clocks in at $30,400 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Expect to have only a slice of that if you’re signing up for part-time coaching as a side business idea only.
107. T-Shirt Printing Business.
As I’ve already covered with TeeSpring, the T-shirt retailing business is worth millions of dollars. But what if you want to do the manufacturing side of things? T-shirt printing turns out to be quite rewarding business ideas for many people each year, but can quickly consume much of your side business idea time—so know what you're getting into before diving in. This multi-billion dollar industry counts big corporate factories as well as home-based part-time entrepreneurs.
108. Vehicle Advertising.
Yes, you can turn your car into a money-maker by driving for Uber and Lyft, but there are other ways to convert mileage into money as a clever side business idea. One way is to do vehicle advertising, a potential side income source of anywhere between $100 to $600 per month. Whether you own a compact sedan or a full-sized bus, your vehicle’s exterior space is prime real estate for ads. Check Wrapify, carvertise, and similar sites for more details about getting started with this business idea and for being paired up with local advertisers.
109. Window Cleaning Services.
From the inside looking out, I want to see the world as clearly as possible. And so do a lot of homeowners and particularly office managers. Now that creates a demand for window cleaners to step into this business idea, especially if you can land a contract cleaning windows for an office building. If you want to try it out as a side business idea, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start a window-washing business at home.
110. Working on Mechanical Turk.
Mechanical Turk operates much like TaskRabbit and GigWalk: it’s a corner online where Amazon gathers tasks to be done, people willing to do them, and people willing to pay for them. Em Mechanical Turk, you get to do the oddest jobs you can imagine as an online business idea, made possible by a parallel online universe that runs on hits, visits, surveys, reviews, pins, likes, CPCs, reads, and other metrics. But don’t get too ambitious. The small sums being paid out to human Mechanical Turk users rarely add up to anything seriously substantial, even if you invest most of your spare time into it. It's a better opportunity for internationally-based people with internet access and lower costs of living than in the US. Here’s one person’s account of his former life as a Mechanical Turk talking through how he got started with this business idea and what the experience was really like.
111. Yard Work Services.
A large proportion of homeowners and small businesses have lawns to tend to. Many turn to independent providers of yard work services to take care of their lawn care woes. To start and sustain a yard work services side business idea, you need training, equipment, and a growing network of customers. In the U.S., a full-time landscaping and groundskeeping worker reportedly earns a median wage of around $25,000, while those working on this as a side business idea largely during evenings and weekends can expect to make substantially less.
112. Public Speaking.
If you have the gift of gab, public speaking is a worthwhile side business idea for you to pursue. Many authors, medical practitioners, scientists, artisans, politicians, and other subject matter experts earn extra income by delivering speeches, seminars, and presentations. Professional motivational speakers earn an average annual salary of around $90,000 with just that portion of their income, making this a very realistic side business idea while you continue practicing your craft.
113. College Counseling.
College counsellors come in all shapes and sizes. Their primary duty is to help guide students through an important period in their lives. Some counselors focus on admissions, career advice, financial aid, athletics, extracurricular activities, and other concerns. There are institutions looking out for part-time college counselors, making this a fantastic side business idea, or you can even start your own practice and charge anywhere from $25-$100+ per hour for your consultative services if you're well-versed on the subject.
114. Making Seasonal Decorations.
Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Yuletide, Hanukkah, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, 4th of July, Mother’s Day. There are a ton of traditional holidays that count as solid reasons to explore the side business idea of crafting and selling seasonal decorations. After all, people and businesses pay good money for them. In fact, total sales of Christmas trees in the U.S. alone amounted to a whopping $1.04 billion in 2014. And you still have holiday lights, nativity scenes, crafted hangings, baskets, wreaths, and other decorations to cover, making this a potentially year-round seasonal side business idea.
115. Snowplowing.
The holidays do bring cheer, but when winter comes, so does the snow. Thick, traffic-hindering piles of it. Snow can be fun for a while but somebody has to get rid of it for our lifestyles to continue onward. Make extra money with this side business idea from home by offering snow and ice removal services.
116. Selling Handmade Clothing and Garments.
With the rise of online craft marketplaces like Etsy, people with decent artisanal skills like sewing and woodworking have an always-open market to sell their products as a side business idea. If you’ve always wanted to design and make clothes by hand, then you can start turning those fashion ideas into real, hand-sewn garments and earn a little bit with this side business idea while you sleep and customers from around the world browse your Etsy & Amazon stores.
117. Antique Refurbishing.
o antique market is not as lively as it used to be. But there’s still money to be had from the industry if you love rare old stuff and possess the skill of restoring them to their former glory. Para start an antique refurbishing business at home, you’ll likely need a few thousand dollars to build out a basic workshop and stock it with all of the right treatments and materials in order to truly excel with this side business idea. Start small by borrowing around what you can, and learning the basics of the trade as a side hustle before investing in a ton of equipment.
118. Dance Instructor.
Most people, even those many won’t admit it, love moving their bodies. It's also a great workout. If at some point in your life, you had to hang your dancing shoes for a more sensible office job, there's nothing stopping you from earning money with this side business idea as a passion project around your day job. Part-time dance instructors get a fraction of the pie that their full-time peers enjoy, but it can add up to hundreds each week if you're consistent—making for a great side business idea to those with the skills and drive.
119. Part-time Bicycle Delivery.
Believe it or not, this freelance bike messenger makes more money than some people glued to their office desks. You won't rake in a whopping $50,000 as this guy does by just doing this in your free time as a side business idea só, but you’ll surely get a piece of the action. Even Uber is trying out a blueprint for a delivery service, and companies like WunWun and Amazon are stepping up their efforts to expand same-day delivery, increasing the demand for more to jump in on this business idea. If you have a decent bicycle, those pair of pedals might just earn you a healthy side hustle income.
120. Home-Based Makeup Services.
If you have a talent for helping people look their best, and know how to mesmerize with eyeliners and turn heads with lipsticks, consider using your beauty skills to pursue this easily profitable side business idea. For under $2000, you can start your own make-up artist business which can make for the foundation of a potentially lucrative side business idea that turns a profit largely by referrals and word-of-mouth from your happy customers.
121. Voice-Over Talent.
If you speak like James Earl Jones or Scarlett Johansson, quite a number of digital publishers (including game developers, animated film-makers, and training video producers) pay good money for voice talent and the time investment isn't too intensive—making this a great side business idea. You can find these publishers looking for voice-over artists on sites like PeoplePerHour, Freelancer e Upwork, as well as their calls for talent directly on their websites or through voiceover agents. If you do pursue this as a side business idea, be prepared to invest for the long-haul as it can be a very competitive industry.
122. Buying and Selling Cars.
Car flipping can be a fun way to turn your love for cars into quick side business ideas if you have the capital and a stomach for the inherent risk. Buying and selling cars is similar to other “buy low, sell high” business models, but the profit potential per hour invested can be very high. According to Jeremy Fisher at 3HourFlip.com, the trick is to learn how to make car deals come to you, so you can minimize your time invested and maximize your profit on each flip with this side business idea.
123. Small Business Marketing Consultant.
If you've got experience with marketing, experience in executing an effective SEO strategy or a knack for getting people excited about the products and services you use on a regular basis, think about refining your skills and putting them to work as a small business marketing consultant in your region—especially if you can become a local SEO expert and can help local clients rank higher in their search results as your side business idea. Businesses of all sizes are in constant need of bringing in more customers, which is where you come in with your business idea. Start by pitching a small business marketing idea and you'll be sure to impress the first set of clients you begin working with in your area.
124. Professional Organizing.
If keeping your home organized comes naturally and you enjoy helping other people, consider becoming a professional organizer as a side business idea. As the need for baby boomers to start downsizing grows, you can use your organizing and decluttering skills to start making an industry standard $50-125 an hour with very little startup costs and expert advice from someone well-versed in the space. Believe it or not, pro organizers don't just work with hoarders. More and more people are hiring professional organizers in order stop wasting time and money due to the stress of everyday disorganization. What's even better, is that you can take this on as side business ideas during the nights and weekends when your clients will be at home.
125. Rent Out Your Space.
People are always searching for one-of-a-kind venues for meetings, parties and weddings. Why not earn some extra money off the space you already have by renting it out for events as a side business idea? If you own a unique venue, like a studio, warehouse or boat, UK-based company Tagvenue will connect you with clients looking for somewhere special to host their event. Not a bad low-effort side business idea.
126. Build a Chrome Extension.
With nearly 100,000 different custom extensions both free and paid available in Google Chrome's marketplace, there's a huge opportunity for creating a useful extension for people to use while browsing the web as a low effort business idea. One of my favorite Chrome extensions, Yet Another Mail Merge, which enables you to send bulk customized emails from within Gmail, gives you 50 free credits to send emails and gives you the chance to upgrade to a paid account to unlock more sending—a great upsell for the people who are getting value from the extension. Even free Chrome extensions like SVRF Tabs por SVRF, which replaces your new tab with stunning VR and 360º images, have the potential to bring in new users and eventually drive revenue for the startup's core business. Another fun example from a friend of mine, Kathleen Garvin, is Hide images with NOPE, a Chrome extension that hides images on the web pages you're browsing—to help eliminate distractions and keep you from seeing images (like those of certain politicians) that you may want to hide. This side business idea is particularly great because it also allows you to showcase your development skills—which can be put to work as an adjacent side business idea on a freelance basis alongside the Chrome extensions you launch.
127. Floral Design.
Valentine's day. Birthdays. Weddings. The list goes on and on—throughout the course of a year, there are dozens of occasions when people need to order flowers. What's more is that once you're up to speed with these kinds of business ideas, your costs can stay relatively low if you know where to source your flowers, and typical margins are in the neighborhood of 300% (or more) on cut flowers which makes this a particularly profitable side business idea in the right geographic area. Check out floral designer, Sara Tedford of Ladybird Poppy to learn about how her floral design company started out as a side business idea of doing weddings and events for her friends and family.
128. Recycling.
Though certainly not for everyone, recycling the containers from products left strewn around on the ground can become a surprisingly decent side business idea if you put in the time. Attending events like street fairs and outdoor concerts can be a great starting place. Put on a clean shirt, jeans, apply your sunscreen, grab a cheap pick-up tool like this one, sturdy plastic bags, and you can sell them for upwards of $4.00/pound on eBay.
129. Litter Removal for Local Businesses.
Like recycling, this side business idea requires the willingness to get your hands a little dirty. If you enjoy working outdoors, then you can make a pretty good side income cleaning up litter outside retail, office and industrial properties—especially for businesses that have large parking lots that need regular cleaning. Property management companies need their properties maintained litter free and you can do so with an on-foot service using inexpensive equipment like this cheap pick-up tool and a broom. Charge for your time at $35 - $50 per hour and bill your clients the same contract price each month. For even more on how to get started with a litter removal side business idea, check out Cleanlots.
130. Brand Ambassador.
It sounds too good to be true—getting paid to represent your favorite brands at events across the nation. But, if you have a friendly and outgoing personality (a growing social media following helps too), you can forge a potentially paid relationship as a brand ambassador with companies who want to reach other people within your community with this side business idea. As a Brand Ambassador, you do anything from demoing the latest technology, to passing out free swag at music festivals, to going on nationwide tours, to pumping people up as a mascot, and more. Depending upon the gig, you can expect to earn anywhere from $18-$100/hr. You can get started as early as this weekend by joining the Brand Ambassador Facebook group for your nearest major city (e.g. join the "Brand Ambassadors of Seattle" group if you live in/near Seattle). Once you've been approved to the group, you'll get access to daily job postings from big brands and agencies with opportunities in your area. All you need to do is submit your resume and headshot to apply. For a step-by-step guide on how to get hired for the best gigs and the highest pay rates, I recommend checking out The Brand Ambassador Blueprint.
131. Career Coach.
Have you cracked the code for landing higher paying jobs at the drop of a hat? If you have a knack for helping your friends or co-workers navigate the process of finding their dream job, nailing an interview, negotiating a better salary or getting a raise at their current day job, other people would be willing to pay for your help too—making this a great side business idea that doesn't take too much time. Get started by sharing your advice on a personal blog and becoming a career coach on platforms like The Muse e Coach Me where there's already an existing audience of people looking to make a move in their careers. From there, keep your focus on helping people get real results, building case studies to support this side business idea, and eventually charging for the results you're delivering clients.
132. Selling Life Insurance
Are you an extrovert that loves meeting new people? Selling insurance products—particularly life insurance—may be a great way to bring in some extra cash and build residual income in your spare time. Selling life insurance on the side could quickly generate a consistent $1,000 - $2,000 per month depending on how much time you invest in this side business idea. To get started you’ll likely want to take an online course to brush up on the subject matter, and then pass a state licensing exam. The biggest challenge you'll face as a new agent is generating sales beyond just helping out friends and family. From there, it’s all about networking and lead generation to grow this one. Learn more about this side business idea with this getting started in life insurance guide from the team over at NoExam.
133. Writing and Editing Resumes
Everybody knows that finding (and landing) your dream job can be tough—especially when you've had the same position for a while and your resume is looking a little rusty. Before jumping in and becoming an expert resume writer, you'll have to learn how to write a resume on your own, and then practice by redoing resume's for your friends and co-workers. Next, you're ready to join a resume writers' association, continue establishing your credibility and you can eventually make your way into more hands-on career coaching opportunities. If you need to brush up on your resume writing skills, check out this guide about how to make a resume hoje.
134. Being a Part-Time Mover.
Maybe you're not very good with computers, or don't want to sit behind a desk? Well, here's a side business idea that has more of a physical component to it. If you also like working with others, then becoming an on-call mover will likely fit the bill. When someone's moving, they always need a helping hand (or three). You can provide that service and make some cash with this side business idea. Whether it's helping someone who's moving apartments or linking up with a local mover who needs an extra set of hands, working as a mover can be a pretty good gig.
There's also (of course) now an app for this side business idea. It's called Bellhops, and you can quickly sign up to start working as a mover almost right away (after going through their application process). The best part about using Bellhops is that they already have customers booked and ready to schedule their moves, meaning you can pretty much get a steady stream of moving jobs depending upon your location, just by signing up and setting the hours that you're available.
135. What Did I Miss?
Share in the comments if I'm missing any of your picks for the best side business ideas that you can start while working full-time! Bonus points if you've already gotten started on one of these business idea, and share the link to your website.
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